Chapter 39

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A new beginning

An order of knights consisting of 500 knights led by Count Bruella entered the forest of death. The forest of death is a very large land that occupies more than half of the land of Margina. After many decades, this is the first time that a large scale exploration towards the forest of death occur. Because the forest is a mysterious and dangerous one they did not dare to disturb the creatures living inside, fearing that they will only trigger an attack from the forest.

After a month of training, the knights did not only prepared their physical aspects but also their mentality. They already expected that there is a high possibility that they will be killed during the exploration. But if their loss could be a gain for the East they will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

"You're all too tense. We have just entered the forest. Don't be left behind, or else the forest will take you away from the group. Trust my command."

"Yes sir!"

The entrance of the forest was surprisingly quiet. From what they know, there should have been few monsters to attack them already.

A few more minutes have passed but no sign of monsters can be seen around. The deeper they go towards the forest the faster their hearts beat. They knew better than anyone else that the deeper you are the stronger the monsters you will face.


Everyone halted when they heard the serious voice of the Count.

"Prepare for battle."

The knights prepared their weapons and positioned themselves in a fighting position.


"Hmm, not bad."

Kirsten said and took another bite of an apple in her hand. She was currently watching the Count and his father's knights fighting a pack of wolves and goblins. It has been two hours already since they started fighting them but the number of monsters arriving seems to have no end.



Ethernetus appeared behind here while she was enjoying the show.

"I think we should stop sending wolves and goblins , it would be difficult if we broke the balance of the forest by decreasing their number. "

Kirsten grinned and took another bite of an apple.

"Don't worry, this batch will be the last one and I will prepare the main menu for today."


The knights dropped their weapons as soon as they saw the monsters withdrawing.

"Ha, I never thought I would last this long inside this forest!" A knight said.

"It seems that our training has paid of. And also, this device that the Count gave us to prevent us to be corrupted of dark aura was effective."

While the knights were talking, the Count wiped the blood of the monster that splattered in his face and looked above.

"Lavender must be enjoying watching from afar ha."

In fact, he already knew that she would do something for this exploration but he did not expect that she will use monsters to help the knights gain experience.

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