Chapter 42

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The Abductors

After talking to his father, Hestia went back to her room. The day was about to end so the sky was already painted with bright orange and red. She went toward the terrace and watched the sun set.

A long sigh escaped her lips.

"I wonder how they're doing now."

It's already been two years since she last saw her friends. After the poisoning incident of the daughter of Count Bruella, the head of the house which is her grandfather temporarily prohibited her from socializing. She doesn't quite understand the reason behind his grandfather's decision but she choose to abide on it. It was fortunate that she was still able to send letters to them once a month but the letters that goes to her keeps decreasing time after time until not one letter comes to her anymore.

It was probably the work of his grandfather she thought. Instead of retaliating, she decided to just go with the flow. After all, the words that comes out from a girl is not heard. Women in this empire are taught to be silent and only valued when they marry a man with power and wealth.

Hestia looked down and saw the garden that she and her brother used to hang out.

"Don't worry Hestia, my lovely little sister, once I grow up and become strong I will protect you and give you your freedom. That's a promise."

His brother's voice echoed in her mind and can't help but smile. Reinan is the only person who is always on her side. Her mother was his father's second wife who is ambitious and greedy. In order to strengthen her position as Regis' wife, she wished to have a son but unfortunately she birthed a girl. She became an object of hate of her mother and never once showed her love. It was fortunate that her father, Regis, was a kind and righteous man and treated her well.

But Hestia knew that her father only pity her and only treated her well because he is obliged to. She do not want to be greedy like her mother so she did everything to be a perfect princess of Montero duchy to maintain her position. The expectations and the pressure of being a Montero is heavy but thanks to Reinan she can always regain strength just by being with him.

Reinan is her peace and comfort. She cannot imagine living a world without her brother.

'If only I have something that can help me find my brother.'

"Wait, that's right! I have that!" She ran inside her room and went to her working table. She pulled the drawer with urgency and search a particular object.

After a few minutes, she finally fount the things she's been searching for. It is a ring with a blue pendant made of blue diamond. Reinan gave it to her in her birthday.

"This is my gift Hestia, happy birthday."

She opened the little box he gave. Inside of it was a ring with blue pendant made of blue diamond. Blue diamond is a very special stone since it is one of the rare objects where you can store mana and cast a spell.

"Brother, where did you get this? This is so beautiful. Thank you"

She said and hugged him tightly.

"It's a secret. Will you give me the honor to wear this ring to you milady?"

Hestia chuckled and let go of him. He was acting like a gentleman prince in fairy tales. She gave her hand to him and watch him insert the ring in her middle finger.

"Wear this ring all the time Hestia, specially when you go out."

"Did you put something on it?"

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