Chapter 23

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Merry Christmas everyone ❤️


The Dark Age


"Oh my god!"

One of the girls who witnessed the scene exclaimed and look Irisviel with pity in their eyes.

Irisviel lowered down her head and tightly grasping the hem of her dress because of embarrassment. Historia, on the other hand, has a victorious smile on her face as she watched Irisviel soaked with tea.

"I am impressed Irisviel you are really sticking with your role as an angelic lady."

Historia said with full of sarcasm. While Irisviel remained silent and tears forming in her eyes.

"Irisviel are you okay? Is the tea still hot?"

Briana asked who were standing by her with a concern eyes. Mezia and the other gurls around the table stood also behind Irisviel and assisting her.

"I.. I am fine Lady Briana. Fortunately, the tea wasn't that hot anymore."

Irisviel said with teary eyes.

"Princess Historia."

It was Mezia who stepped and faced the Princess without showing any emotion in her eyes.

"What is it Lady Mezia? Are you gonna play as a hero for this fake angel here?"

Historia while looking at her coldly.

The girls behind her back looked at Mezia with concern. It was evident that the Princess disliked Mezia's intervention and it is not a good to be hated by a royal. However, Mezia remained calm and raised the corners of her lips slightly.

"I hope you don't misunderstand Princess Historia but I just want to know the reason of your action. I am sure that you didn't did this for the purpose of shaming Princess Irisviel right? Please put in mind that I am not taking any sides, I just want to be enlightened so I won't judge anyone quickly without knowing the context."

With her words, Briana, Jelia, Cattlea and Hestia suddenly remembered Lavenders words during Irisviel's tea party.

"...I don't want to take a side. I don't want to be caught up with the fight between higher nobles because it might affect my family."

Historia went silent for a moment and can't hide her amazement with Mezia's words. The other ladies inside the room also understood what's the meaning behind Mezia's words.

"As the host of this party, I also want to know Princess Historia I hope you don't mind."

Briana also said with a smile.

Irisviel on the other hand were looking around the girls with a shocked and confused eyes. No one noticed it since they were focusing on the Princess.

"Ha, you got me there ladies. I won't be mad at you this time since you have impressed me. And since all of you are eager to know I will tell you what did Irisviel did which caused my action."

Historia said while smirking and continued.

"This little fake angel here was exchanging letters with my fiancee, the First Prince. Now, tell me is it right  for a lady to secretly exchange letters with an engaged man?"

"No! That's not true! Princess it seems we had a misunderstanding here."

Irisviel said while tears slowly running down her face.

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