Chapter 36

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The King of Elves

"So, his name is Lumiere."

"Yes master. I apologize for the trouble he caused."

Eloivare said apologetically. Kirsten's guess was right. The rude young man who's acting might in front of her was the hidden elf that the elders were trying to keep in check.

"Hey, Eloivare! Why are being do respectful to a human! Have you forgotten what these lowly creatures had done to us?! And why are you letting her disrespect me like this? Release me at once! This is an order from your King!"

Eloivare and the rest of the elders sighed deeply and some rubbed the temple of their nose in frustration.

"A King huh."

"We deeply apolo-"

"Stop apologizing already. I will appreciate more if you tell them to drag that brat back to where he belongs before my chains crush him."

The young elf flinched hearing Kirsten's nonchalant statement. He looked closely at her eyes and he can tell that she wasn't jesting. But his pride won't let this young girl trample him. He is a great and might elf!

"H-Hmp! I-I feel hungry all of a sudden. Take me back to my chambers!"

Eloivare signaled the elders to assist the young elf and immediately gazed back at her with a relief expression.

"He is a peculiar elf. Is he a descendant of a high born elf?"

A tiny smile formed in Eloivare's lips before responding.

"As expected of you master. Indeed, he  is a direct descendant of the first King of the elves. We consider him as our King and he is the most powerful elf in this fortress."

"I can see it even if you don't tell me."

"The late King and Queen have already passed away even before Lumiere becomes an adult."

Kirsten saw the change of his expression. His face was full of regret but he immediately put his smile back as soon as he realized he was making an inappropriate expression in front of her master.

"How did they die? Your race are known for having a longer lifespan just like dragons. And no one can harm you inside this fortress."

"It is a curse."


"During the dark age, the King of elves was cursed by the demon. The curse is  all the elves that has the royal blood will die even before they reach adulthood. Which is why the descendants of the first King have to marry and born an heir before they reach adulthood. They are hoping that the curse will be lifted someday so they have to keep their bloodline alive."

It is a powerful curse indeed. She assume that the curse was trying to prevent the royal bloodline of the elves to stop. They fear the power of the descendants of the first King of elves to be passed down. Kirsten find it odd as to why would the demon who cast the curse did not kill them immediately.

'I guess the curse did not succeed 100% because of the power of the royal elves. Interesting.'

Kirsten smiled inwardly. She found something interesting again. She's even more determined to get Lumiere on her side.

"So, why does Lumiere so eager to go outside the fortress? Based in his physique, he would soon reach adulthood yet it seems that he don't have a wife nor a child."

Eloivare once again made a deep sigh.

"He wants to eradicate humans before he dies. He wants to end the curse with his life. His ancestors had lived a life full of regrets and he wants to carry all those regrets to his death. Although he doesn't say it but his eyes tell us everything. He's still a child after all."

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