Chapter 26

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I dedicate this chapter to Isleden
The first one who supported my works😅 and also my friend.
(Chrz🤣 naa ra dzai)


"How is he."

"His body is already stable your highness. It seems like Sir Ezekiel drained too much energy during his training."

The priest said with a reassuring smile. However, Prince Raizel remained emotionless and stared at the pitiful pale countenance of his aid who is currently laying in his bed.

"You may go now."

"Yes your highness."

What the Count's daughter did to his aid was still a mystery to Prince Raizel. Although Ezekiel us someone who has an inferior to strength to his, he still someone whose strength he acknowledged. It bothers him a lot that a little girl like her would make Ezekiel helpless in short period of time.

"An entertainment huh."

He hates it the most when someone is looking down on him. If only she isn't the daughter of the only Swordmaster that he respects he wouldn't have let her continue to ridicule and trample his pride.

He still need the Count for his plans.

However, that young lady is a problem. He won't be able to make a move towards the Count for now because that little witch is still on his side. And just like the information he received from the shadows, Count Bruella favors his daughter a lot.

He wonders if the Count knows the true nature of her daughter who like to act cute and kind.

He stayed beside Ezekiel for a couple of minutes before decided to go out.

Along the way, he met a royal knight who payed his respect towards the prince before he spoke.

"Greetings your highness the second prince, the Emperor is asking for your presence in his office right now."

He raised a brow because of his unexpected summon. He is aware that there was a meeting held by the Emperor earlier.

He changed his direction and walked towards the Emperor's office.

While walking he can see every maid he passes and royal knights flinched and fear was evident in their eyes.

Prince Raizel was known for being cold and cruel who doesn't have a heart to forgive if someone offend him. So they are afraid that they may do something that would made the second prince mad.

There are also rumors that the second prince killed a lot of maids for entertainment.

He is often compared to his elder brother the first prince who is exactly opposite to him. The first prince is friendly and kind kind. Despite of the second prince's rude behavior towards him he never get mad.

Prince Raizel is aware of all these rumors going around about him but he isn't planning to do anything just to please everyone. He has his own way of silencing them without directly seeing those pests that were ruining his image.

"The second prince has arrive!"

The royal Knight announced as soon they saw him nearing the office if the Emperor.

"Let him come in."

As the door opened he saw three faces faced in his direction.

"Greetings your majesty."

The Emperor, his father just nodded and signed him to sit down immediately.

He silently went to an empty seat beside the First Prince who gave him a tiny smile. He didn't bother to look at him and focused his gaze towards the another person present in front of him.

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