Chapter 19

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Unexplainable power

The sky was already dark and the moon lighted up the whole surroundings which enable Kirsten to still see the figures of the spies resting above the trees that is not that far away from the manor.


With her command, the bugs flew away separately towards the location of the spies. Using a telescope Kirsten watched them flew towards their destination and waited for a couple of minutes to execute her plan.

"Good, get into your position."

Kirsten uttered when she saw that they finally arrived to their assigned spies. The bugs landed on the necks of the spies and readied their sharp tiny teeth.

"Bite them."

At her words, the spies fell down at the same time which made Kirsten grinned widely.

"Sir Airon, you know what to do."

The man standing behind her whose wearing an armored uniform immediately bowed down his head placing his one hand across his heart and answered..

"We will be going now, young miss."

Kirsten gave them a nod and a sweet smile. Sir Airon and the knights behind him that the Count ordered to capture the spies was in dazed after seeing the angelic smile of their young lady.

It was few days ago that the Count chose his trustworthy knights to help her execute her plans. Because of the letter of request that Count Bruella sent to the Imperial Palace, he became so busy to prepare everything before they leave.

Kirsten was at first hesitant to accept the knights because she never trusted anyone even in her past life. The Count was the first one whom she opened herself and accepted in her chaotic world. But in the end, she chose to trust the Count's decision since she also need some people to work for her. If they betrayed her, she can just kill them immediately.

"Make sure not to leave any traces behind."

Kirsten cheerfully reminded them and wave her arms towards the knights who were now walking away from her.

When their back were finally gone out from her sight she immediately erased the smile in her face and turned it into an evil smirk.

Now that there's weren't any eyes watching her, it's time for her to do her business tonight. With the permission of the Count, she is going to take a short stroll inside the forest of death alone. She can still remember how she desperately beg him for five hours straight just to get his permission.

'I shouldn't have waste my time asking for his permission when I can freely escape here, tss.'

But Kirsten knew that once the Countess find out she's out of the house the whole manor would again be in chaos. So, she still need the Count to help her not to be caught.

The cold breeze of the wind fluttered her hair as she walk inside the darkest part of her mother's garden. It's already ten o'clock in the evening and before she executed her plan she made sure that no one is still awake.

When she reached the darkest part of the garden, she summoned the radar in her palm to see if the group of Sir Airon had already reached their destination. The radar is connected to the tracking device that Kirsten secretly put inside their body. The tracking device were smaller than a peck of dust that she made them swallow by putting it on their drinks, food etc. She had put also a tracking device to all the people living inside the manor including the knights and maids.

Seeing the red and green dots together they seemed succeeded capturing the spies with any problem. Red dots signify an enemy and green dots means that they're an ally.

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