Chapter 86 - We were both scared......

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[Author: It would be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment (I encourage comments!), and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]

*Present time*

I was still being hunted across Japan, but my disappearance had become insignificant in the face of what the League of Villains had accomplished and Shigaraki's growing power. Little did the heroes know, I was among them, hidden in plain sight.

Another night passed in a decrepit building, surrounded by the stench of dirt and urine. But tonight, felt different. Perched atop a hill, the old structure transformed into something beautiful, offering a breathtaking view of the city below.

I had heard rumors of a festival taking place tonight, and in the distance, I could see the glow of fires and people heading towards booths adorned in traditional Japanese attire. Curiosity sparked within me, and I decided to venture closer, drawn by the allure of the fireworks.

Walking down the hill, my shoes brushing against the grass, I finally reached the festival grounds. The scene before me was both enchanting and surreal. Couples strolled hand in hand, laughter filled the air, and the aroma of delicious food mingled with casual conversations about ordinary things—school, relationships, the latest level in a video game, the outcome of a soccer match. They marveled at the beauty of the night, finding solace and hope amidst the chaos that had unfolded just two days ago. They wished for the city's safety to endure.

Pulling the hood of my jacket down from my head, I gazed up at the velvety dark blue sky, adorned with a sprinkle of stars. It was a moment of fleeting peace and a reminder of the world I once belonged to, a world that now seemed distant and unattainable.

In this ethereal setting, time seems to stand still. Worries and troubles momentarily fade away as I lose myself in the celestial spectacle above. It is a moment of pure enchantment, where the boundaries between reality and dreams blur, and I can find solace.

But one thing or person could make this night feel like a daydream.

???? POV

I was forced to go to this festival by All Might and my entire class, hoping to lift the heavy atmosphere that hung over us. But as I walked through the vibrant chaos of the festival, the sight of couples, friends, and families enjoying themselves only deepened my loneliness. It amplified the emptiness inside me, reminding me of the one thing I longed for—a companion to share moments like these.

"Hey, Bakugo, let's go try out a game!" Kirishima called out to me, trying to lighten the mood. But I shook my head, silently declining his offer. Instead, I found myself drawn to a secluded spot behind one of the bustling booths. I took a seat at a lonely table, hidden away from the laughter and cheerful voices.

From there, I glanced up at the hill, my eyes catching sight of a distant figure. There was something about the way they stood, their silhouette illuminated against the night sky. Something familiar. With a closer look, I couldn't believe my eyes. It couldn't be her... or could it?

My heart pounded in my chest as recognition struck me. The way the earrings glimmered under the soft glow of the sky and the golden necklace adorning her neck—there was no mistaking it. In that desperate moment, I knew I had to find out for sure.

Without a second thought, I dashed up the hill, my shoes skidding on the grass as I fought against the terrain. As I neared, her side profile came into focus. She stood there, gazing upward with closed eyes, allowing the gentle breeze to caress her face.

I couldn't help but pause for a moment, taking in the ethereal sight before me. She seemed like a solitary figure, finding solace in the vastness of the night sky. It was as if she carried her own universe within her, detached from the bustling festival below.

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to approach her, my steps hesitant yet determined. With every passing moment, the anticipation grew, and my heart raced with a mix of hope and uncertainty. Was it really her? And if it was, what would she say? What would she think?

As I reached her side, I called out her name softly, my voice laced with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "Y/N... " That was the first time I had ever called her by her name without aggression.

Her eyes opened wide as she stared ahead, hesitant to turn to her right and see who had called out to her. After a moment, she slowly looked at me, her expression devoid of fear or the desire to escape. Instead, a gentle and furrowed brow conveyed a mixture of sadness and longing, as if to say, "I missed you."

Both of us stood frozen, our gazes locked, searching for answers within the depths of our eyes. Sadness and emotion reflected on our faces, silently conveying the depths of our longing. I couldn't resist any longer, and it seemed she couldn't either. With synchronized steps, we closed the distance between us, erasing the space that had separated us for far too long. Our embrace was an urgent melding of bodies, as if we yearned to merge into one another. Her face pressed against my neck, and my hand instinctively found its place behind her head, securing our connection. She inhaled deeply, taking in my scent, while her hands clung tightly to the fabric of my clothes.

As she pressed her face against my neck, her warm breath caressed my skin, creating a sensual heat that sent electrifying shivers down my spine. I could feel the anticipation building within me. With a deliberate movement, my other arm encircled her waist, snaking its way around her like a vine seeking its support. The firmness of my grip intensified as I pulled her hips closer to my body, creating an intimate and tantalizing connection between us. The sensations intensified as our bodies molded together, the proximity igniting a longing that could no longer be contained.

Time seemed to stand still as we remained locked in a wordless embrace. Minutes stretched into eternity, and the warmth between our bodies grew, enveloping us in a cocoon of desire. Every inch of our beings began to radiate heat, as if our very souls were intertwining. The mingling of our scents, sweet and intoxicating, permeated the air, rising up to our noses and captivating our senses. It was a sensory symphony, an exquisite dance of touch and smell, as we silently surrendered to the magnetic pull drawing us closer. It was not something sexual it was a kind of embrace that both of us have been storing into our heart and now every hug and embrace we wanted to give each other for support had busted. 

We were both scared......

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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