Chapter 28 - "tshhh tare pendeja vale..."

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(Edit - 2/25/22)

Bakugo's POV

Waking up my sight is faced with a white ceiling. Attempting to move pain traveled through my body at once. I turned my head and was greeted with someone sitting beside the bed I was lying at.

Scarass? She fiddles on her chair, appearing really uncomfortable. "She has been here since you were put on the bed." Deku's voice says

"She has? How long have I been here?" I told him without moving my eyes from her.

"Not much, just the whole night.......*silence*...wel hehe i need to get going."

"I don't care what you do! just get out extra!" I yelled through the pain in my chest. I hear the door close.

I stare at her sleeping figure for a solid 2 minutes and bring my body up as much as it hurts. I wasn't going to stay in bed. Sat up in front of her, facing her directly, she starts fiddling and letting some snores here and there I chuckle at them. I got up and got her jacket that was sitting aside and carefully placed it on top of her. While I was setting the jacket right to cover her up. I felt a kind of stare. My eyes look up slowly, and she is awake kindly, smiling at me with her eyes sleepy. My eyes grow wide 15 seconds after looking at her.

"Dont-dont scare me like that, you ass." I say, taking a few steps back and leaning on the bed.

"*yawn* hijo de su mai~ How are you feeling?" She looks up at me.

"I'm fine...............----owww!! why?!--" She hits my stomach with her foot.

"See you're not fine. *sigh*"

"no shit! you just hit me! with your foot!"

"por favor it wasn't that hard." She walks over to me and sits me down on the bed.

"Get your hands off me!---*groans*!"

She pushes her index finger on my rib "No contestes!" I do as she indicates and go back to lying down on that bed. She brings 2 other pillows and puffs them on the head to the point I'm not lying, but sitting up, leaning my back and head on the pillows feeling more comfortable.

"You'll stay here for some hours and then I'll go drop you off at your house, alright?"

"huh? I can go by myself, I don't need you to take me, i'm not a kid," I growl and roll my eyes, but see her finger about to pinch "Jeez! alright alright I will go with you."

Some minutes passed by, and my eyes slowly shut down. I guess Scarass thought I fell asleep, but I was still awake. It was just my eyes that were tired.

"*ruff sigh* I'M really glad you are fine~," She grabs my hand onto her hands "because if All might would've done some greater damage, I swear ante mis padre's que en paz descansen I would've killed him....," She serious?

Her grip then tightens on my hand, then soon loosens up a little "ay dios... I don't know why I got so attached to your ass.... eres tan lo que me encanta de ti~" She gently rubs my hand with her finger.

Does she really worry that much about me? I wanted to jump up and grab her by the collar and then bring her into my arms. I want her to feel safe around me and tell me all her worries, but... "tshhh tare pendeja vale......" She lets go of my hand ".I hate you bakugou I should hate you for reasons I can't explain.voy a fingir que te odio hasta que me vaya lejos de ti. I dont like you, you are ignorant, noisy, weak, frail, you're..... you're repu--repulsive." She finally says and walks out the door.

My heart stopped beating. I opened my eyes, looking bluntly ahead of me. Was I hearing right? She hates me for reasons she can't explain. She finds me repulsive, noisy!? Weak?!!!! After all the things I've done for her; hiding secrets, backing her up, inviting her into my house, tutored her. And yet she said that she is attached to me! She likes me because I'm an idiot and worries about me to the point she will kill anyone who hurts me. All her smiles, worries, laughs, and compliments that she has given me were sincere, but... I guess it was all a lie and another act from hers to pretend to fit in with everyone at UA. Those confidential information documents are not in her hands for nothing....

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