Chapter 69 - "mugrosos impolutos."

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[Author: It would really be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment, and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]


Inside the dark part of a metal room the lights from above flickered. On and off. Flying bugs circling the rusted lightbulb. I placed my bag on the molded floor. I got out some papers and tossed them like trash on the uneven table. The papers scrambled on the surface.

Shigaraki and the others approached the table. Kurogiri grabbed a sheet from the table. And looked at me. "These are...." He was surprised by what these papers were, while the others were curious as to what Kurogiri meant. They all scanned the papers.

As they did, I leaned on the stained wall, my foot pressing up against it as my arms crossed over my chest. They all frantically scrammed through each sheet stunned. "As you can see, each back and front of those papers are filled with the weaknesses of all heroes. Being around them, I got to know their weaknesses and for the ones I couldn't get information I snuck into the UA principal's office to get more information....." With frantic motions they continued flipping through all the sheets. "There is also all of the UA's student information."

"Nice!!!" Twice shouted with excitement but then gloomed with disappointment. "horrible" his bipolar disorder caused by his quirk... made him unbearable.

Toga blushed as she collected some papers in her hands. "Uhh~~ I'll get to know him better~ Izuku~~~~"

"So, Y/n you aren't going back to them? Huh." Dabi approached my side leaning on the wall.

"TSS que pregunta es esa~ of course I am not going near any of them. I'm a wanted criminal along with you all and to make it worse it's like if they put a bounty on my head.... Puros cuernos~ mugrosos impolutos."

"Huh you're right.... How— what kind of kid is Shoto Todoroki...."

His strange out of pocket question makes me look up at the man, the white flickering light shining once in a while over his burned and stapled skin. "Uhh El Niño no te niego es acá un mequetrefe he is.... Broken, beaten by life but he is hanging in there."

"I see." He walks away

"Que raro— Okay, Shigaraki, where am I going to sleep?" I toss my bag over my shoulder as I wait for indications.

"Right. You'll be staying in a five-star hotel near an Italian 5-star restaurant. Don't worry, the stay has T.V and breakfast included."

My eyes glistened at the amazing news. "neta! te caí!"

"No— you with the rest sleep in the other room. There should be an extra mattress Spinner found on the side of the road in there for you."

"Pinche ojete- puto culero~ por esta—" I kiss both my thumb and index finger with a promise intended. "Que si sigues jugando conmigo te meto cada papel por donde vino la última mierda que pariste-" i walk over to toga and poke her shoulder slightly pushing her. " ándale show me the glorious room!"

"Yes!! Finally, a girl roomie!!!" She tried to hold onto my arm, but I held my arms up away from her touch.

"Hey mamacita si dije enséñame dónde me voy a petatear no que te aproveches de mi nobleza!" I nod side to side as I approach the broken door "está que dijo 'ya tiene amiga pal summer' nah que busque en el panteón de jotas-"


I lay there..... using my bag as a pillow, above a pissed mattress with stains; that I for sure didn't want to find out where they were from. The large room had many smells triggering my delicate sense of smell. I crooked my head to the side observing the rest of the group maravilla sleeping on random objects scattered around the room.

There were windows around no glass, but wooden boards nailed over them. The slight breeze of cold brushed over me. I looked up to the window above and beside where I slept. From where I was, I had a perfect view of the moon.

My first night.... Without any of them. It felt almost unreal. I could only think of one specific person. Is he as awake as me? Is he also thinking about me? Is he asking himself where I might be? The thought of our last touch made me blush. It felt stupid to blush. I cringed at myself. But it was the only way I could drift to sleep in such a nasty place.

Trying to sleep I could hear the sounds of cars, sirens, drunk people stumbling over trash, cats roaming through the alleys, and the snoring and sleepy chatter of the people who shared my room with me.

That morning was the most horrendous wake up I had ever imagined waking up to. I thought that night if I woke up everything that had happened would be all a bad nightmare, but it was real. Unfortunately.

My guard was up all night, but it was unexpected as someone jumped on top of me with a knife on my neck and a devil's look on her face as she blushed. I looked at her petrified.

"Que haces!?" I flipped her around her face planted onto the dirty cement. I grabbed her hands and locked them behind her back. I looked up and the rest were laughing in silence.

"Don't worry this is just how we welcome our new recruits~" Mr. Compress stated adjusting his hat.

I get up from above her rolling my eyes in annoyance. "Estupidos~ and for the last time I am not a recruit I work alone. It's called partnership. Yo no trabajo pa nadie papá~ now where's the bathroom? I want to take a shower."

"If you want to shower, you'll have to find somewhere you can."

I lost the light on my face "no mames and you all don't take showers on a daily basis?"

"Only when we can almost never if we are being honest."

"Eso explica el olor a sobaco y fundió-- mano~" i flip my palms up in the air. " ¡ay dios alúmina me por favor!"

I started to think if it was worth leaving the dorms where I'd get my own room, my daily shower, my daily scent of cleanest living, and the sight of a majestic place.

I started to think if it was worth leaving the dorms where I'd get my own room, my daily shower, my daily scent of cleanest living, and the sight of a majestic place

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