Chapter 72 - "chivato ese~"

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[Author: It would really be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment (I encourage comments!), and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]

"Who are you!!!!?"

"Tranquilo moreno~ Dame un segundo~" With my heavy tacky gloves I searched my leathered pockets and out came my Bluetooth earbuds. I lifted an entrance from underneath the mask I wore and placed each bud onto my ear.

"Stop playing with us!"

I ignored the comment and with a simple touch above the leather fabric that separated my ear and fingers the music played.

I hand-motioned the guitar strumming something out of normal. I was eyed by the people who tried to use the 'league of villains' name to do their nasty business. "Las Mujeres no me faltan, Ni el dinero, ni el Amor" My voice projected low and confident from underneath the gray fabric. The leather undefined the tone of my voice they couldn't tell if this was either a woman or a man.

Each individual gave the other a look as their eyes came to a final conclusion. A last nod before charging towards me.

left punch coming forward with a knife in their hand

I skewed to the right with rhythm stopping my feet, zapateando.

Someone with a giant fist ran from my right ready to hit a blow from my side

I skewed to the left without breaking a sweat from underneath all these clothes.

Another man ran in desperation and anger in his voice as he screamed with a blade between his fingers. His blade reached a centimeter away from my stomach. I slid to the side as I watched him stumble. I grabbed his wrist which held the blade. Gave him a hard squeeze on his wrist causing him to let go of the blade. Hearing the sound of metal touching the ground I twirled him and kicked him with force. His face smashed onto the brick wall.

"¡Echenme otro! que ando en llamas Cabrón!!!!"

The louder I screamed the more drug dealers and sex traffickers came from the whole construction area. Every single man surrounded me. I did a 360 with my gloved hands down my pockets. I took a look at each disgusting man. Some stood tall hands down in their nice suits. Others licked their golden teeth at the sight of seeing me surrounded.

Was it defeat that excites them? Hilarious.

Others had their hands occupied with weapons. Some wore their faces with a smug that provoked me to smash that smug onto the dirty ground.

I closed my eyes, hands still down my pocket, and tilted my covered face up at the sky. I could hear them rattle, but none had dared to make a move yet.

Soon the song changed on my playlist 

As the countdown started my knees slowly bent one by one with the rhythm. Slow and drastic.

The criminals gave each other questionable looks and then I started moving more. My legs have full control. My legs captured their attention, eyes following my every move from the waist down.

I had to control my waist from moving in a feminine way. It was harder than I thought. I kept the moves steady and funny looking. My hands tripped down my pockets and my head was high in the air. Inside the mask, my eyes were closed. I bit my lip at the satisfaction of the beat.

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