Chapter 62 - "no me jales~!"

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[Author: It would really be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment, and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]


The following day I got up earlier than anyone. No matter what I did to attempt to suppress this particular feeling toward the spiky blonde, I indeed woke up in a happy mood. Those feelings will still be present even on my last breath considering my dragon part of me imprinted on him. What would happen in the last battle? Will my heart be able and fight him?

I ran downstairs, jumping over the last few steps. I flung my school jacket over my shoulder. I hurried to the main hospital. I jumped onto the building climbing like Spiderman parkouring my way up the room that was restricted for visitors. I finally got to the correct window where Eri ate her food with small bites. I gave a knock on her window as I held myself with a strong grip on the pipe that connected to the building.

Her beautiful red orbs sparkled as they met me. I waved at her from the outside and slid the window open. I jumped on the tile floor. Closing the window behind me, I rolled up a chair beside her hospital bed.

"Y/n what are you doing here? They don't allow visitors and if they see you--"

"Relax mija~" I place my hand gently on top of her bandaged one. "I'm sure no one saw me. I had to make sure to come visit you before anything happens."

Her faint smile disappears "what do you mean if anything happens?"

"Don't worry about it, how about you tell me how you have been?"

"Everyone treats me great around here, especially a boy named Izuku and another named Mirio~" Her sweet innocent voice makes my heart flutter. How could someone like Overhaul take advantage of such a vulnerable and adorable kid like her?

"Y/n will you stay by my side for as long as I need you?" She lowers her head looking at my hand as her tiny fingers hold onto my hand.

"Eri, I can't promise you that.... I'm sorry." I stroked her hair as she looked at me, shocked by my response. She was expecting a 'yes I promise' She didn't want the person she had finally grown to care about in a long time to leave her. "bu-but why?"

I chuckled at her sadness. I grab a strand of her hair that fell and swirl it behind her ear. "Because I don't belong here. Sooner than expected I will be hated by everyone including the heroes. Pero, I want you to remember that I saved you because you deserve far more better than I do. You deserve to grow up with people I know will treat you as an actual human~" Her eyes filled with tears as I finished talking. Her tears fell in one go. I continued playing with her hair and she got to her knees and hugged me from around my neck, her face on the crook of my neck. My neck skin fills with tears and sniffles. I rubbed her back.

"no llores eh? I won't be leaving in a while. Maybe I'll see you again even better the next time, you might be outside of this building. A si que no llores~" My arms held her underarms and pulled her off like a slug; her arm continued up, not wanting to let me go. Her eyes squint shut and her lips curl. "Want me to tell you about someone that I got to know?!" She nods, tears and sniffles still falling out. I place her on the bed, her legs falling between my knees.

"Bueno pues His name is Bakugou Katsuki, but I prefer to call him Pelos, chihuahua, pelos de escoba, guero, hairless mole, peluca de pinata, perro, orangutan, rey de roma," My ranting on him continued until there were no more tears but interest in them.

"I hate him but... You know it's just my way of saying that I care for him."

Eri noticed the loving gaze I had as I talked about him; she sort of squealed with intrigue about him. "You like him, don't you?!" I scratch the back of my neck.

"That'll be a story for another time I have to go to school. Ahora si que no la cuento con Aizawa~" She pouts, gives me a last hug, and sees me squat on the window. I pistol launched tiny flames at her that swirled like waves around her body. She giggles, and when she turns to look at me through the window, I had already jumped out.

Great thing I had my school uniform on, but that didn't mean I wasn't late. Sliding the door of my classroom open, I peeked inside the room, looking if any teacher or Aizawa was inside, but no. The coast was clear, only the class inside. "Ay virgencita gracias." I let out a sigh of relief until I tense up in place, not being able to move. "No me digas....Aizawa!" I turned around and the same look he always gave me planted right in him. Red eyes and hair levitated. He was done with me.

"You're late!!! That is unacceptable!" He grabs me by the back of my jacket, pulling me like a scolded child. My jacket was over my shoulders, and he made sure I did the walk of shame.

"no me jales~!"

"Shut up." He pulls me inside the class in front of the board, still pulling the tag of my jacket in his hand.

"ya se ya se you'll have me take extra classes..." I rolled my eyes as I made any kind of contact with my classmates who looked at me up at the front. Scolded my Aizawa.

"Oh no I've changed my mind; you'll be responsible that everyone in this class participates in the school festival."

My face shot up at the man "huh!!! no I'm not good with responsibility and you know that! no me hagas esto profe!" I slapped my palms together, rubbing them back and forth, pleading to him. The class was filled with muffled giggles.

"You agree okay! Class Y/n Mondragon will be responsible to prepare you all for the festival."

He lets go of my jacket and smirks at his accomplishment. "nimodo~" I adjusted my back collar and turned to face the class. I clap my hands, grabbing their attention. which their eyes were already glued to me. They got comfortable. Mina and others leaning their chins onto the palm of their hand. "Well, Y'all heard the man I'm in charge.... So, we will need dancers, musicians, and charisma." They gave each other a look and nod. I took off my jacket and placed it on the floor. "We need some rumba chachacha~ Let's see...." I scan the room picking my pick. "Mina vente paca!" She jumps from her seat up to the front. "Let me see your moves." She dances like a b-boy, totally impressed.

"it's more like..." I placed an arm over my stomach, around my waist, and another over my head and waddled my knees, bending as I walked "tungis tungis tungis (x3)" They all laughed.

Making the class laugh was one of the many talents I had over these people. Yes, I was a box of surprises. They knew how serious I could get and knew when I'm playing, they all wished to have great school years until we all graduate with me. only if they knew what kind of war was coming their way. 

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