Chapter 63 - "payasa sin futuro.."

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[Author: It would really be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment, and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]


"Aqui estan~"

I said as I finally reached the documents I constantly looked through in the 'safe' box next to Principal Nezu's Desk. 10 minutes ago, I infiltrated into his office, and since forever I've been learning his schedule. I needed these documents.

I placed the pieces of paper on the red carpet in between the opened safe. I took pictures of all the Pro heroes that worked in U.A. These documents contained every detail in weakness of them, their schedule, their year they graduated, and their status. I placed the folders back inside. I had blue gloves to prevent any fingerprints. Shifting everything back to its original place. Before I could stand up, a sudden wave of hesitation made me flinch by the sound of keys and talking.

"Mierda.." I couldn't help but panic. I ran around the room in tippy toes trying to find somewhere to hide, but the fear of being caught made me tremble. The voices grew closer! I couldn't make up my mind, so I did a last-minute jump over the couch and wiggled between the sofa, a wall and a drawer. I slammed my palms over my mouth, and I crooked my head to the side so my enormous head wouldn't be seen from above the sofa.

"Aizawa come in." Aizawa is in the room with principal Nezu taking a seat on his desk. "The reason I called you in was because I've heard you made Mondragon responsible for your class's festival which doesn't sit right with me.... there is something in that girl that just doesn't leave me in peace," The white fur of the principal's tone decreased. I heard the sound of his rubber chair creek. "I'll be honest," He sighed heavily "There is no doubt that Miss Mondragon is a sufficient upcoming hero, but I'm determined she isn't who she plays to be--." I wasn't surprised by his response to me, but it still kind of upset a part of me.

Aizawa interrupted him in a formal manner. "If I may, I agree she isn't someone who came here to necessary become a hero but from the days she has been getting along with each of her classmates-- she wasn't here for first few months of school and there were flaws in each of the students and when she arrived things changed even as a teacher, she definitely did a number on me. She has the ability to speak the truth and fight against anything. So, I believe we should let her be responsible for my class festival."

I was completely stunned. Why? Why was Aizawa defending my side? And am I really what he thinks of me? Did I really impact everyone? Now that I think about it, I am too heavy to handle, and there are hurtful things I have said or done to each of them, and yet they don't resent me?

"She makes everyone happy with the bare minimum she is someone..." He sighed, trying to find the right words before he spoke again. "That these kids aim for like a goal, a friend, a partner, or even a symbol of peace."

Those words of Aizawa ripped through me, especially as he compared my presence to being the 'Symbol of peace'?! My eyes stared right at the skin-colored back of the sofa. Me? A Symbol of peace?

An hour after being in the same spot, they finally walked out of the room. The dark room went silent. I got up and walked over the sofa onto the floor. Before walking towards the door, I looked back at the chair Aizawa sat in thinking back to what he said. There wasn't once a teacher that actually saw good in me.

They'd either flung me back a grade, scold me, call me worthless, una payasa sin futuro, each grade there wasn't one single teacher that didn't say these words at me 'tienes tanto poder pero ni una neurona de inteligencia!' but Aizawa never treated me less than anyone. Yes, he could get mad at me, but he never said anything offensive.

Staring, confused at the black chair, I gripped my phone. I have what I need and there isn't hesitation! I walked out the door. Outside the UA, I burned my gloves and walked back to the dorms. Opening the doors, I was greeted by everyone smiling as I came in.


Before taking any further steps, I observed everyone's reaction towards me. They were happy as I came in.... Waiting for me.... glimmering eyes.... heads coming from around the corner as they heard my name.... I meaninglessly laughed at myself and walked forward, with a stupid look on my face.

"Orasi! Who's ready to get started on preparing por el Festival!"

"We are!"


Hours later I taught simple dance moves with Mina by my side. Jiro, Denki, Momo, Tokoyami, and Bakugo were in charge of music while I came from both the dance team and the band making sure everyone was on the right track.

"pues~ everyone has their instrument now it's up to you to adjust to the music sheet? yeah." They each played individually, and I approached Bakugou standing off to the side as he didn't notice my eyes watching him fling the wooden sticks of the drums in the air and bounce at the surface of the drums and golden plates.

Yo sola me pierdo en el... I lost consciousness of everything around me as I stared at him.... Un nuevo deseo esparcio en mi..... My wish.... was to spend more time with him.

"Are you going to continue staring?" I smile at him and walk away. He drops his hands with the sticks in his hand down onto his lap. His eyes followed Y/n as she left to talk to the other students. When she smiled at him, it shook him; she didn't say any remark back? just smiled at him? and walked away.

Katsuki's permanent eyes are hooked onto you. You felt his stare that between the conversation you held, your eyes were drawn to the boy who sat behind his instrument, eyes tucked under his spiky blonde hair. Those red ruby eyes were my biggest weakness. I could burn under his gaze for less than a minute. We stared at each other without a single emotion, just looking at each other a couple of feet away. The voices of people speaking to me disappeared as I fell under the spell of his eyes.

On the other hand, Bakugou also lost concentration of everything around him. You kept a soft stare on him, and he completely fell under your eyes.

Neither y/n nor Bakugou took their eyes off of one another. The voices around them decreased in their senses; the presence of everyone walking between their faces blurred.

How was this suddenly happening? What is this feeling that keeps me attached to him?

Someone wiggled me out of my trance "Y/n! you were saying......"

"oi Bakugou! play this part again."

Both of the rivals that once hated their guts turned back to their duties, but that didn't keep them from looking back at each other once in a while.

They both felt the deep connection they just had. They couldn't shake off the feeling; it only made Y/n happier and more energetic while it made Bakugo calmer. 

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