Chapter 77 - "..tabién no lo niego.."

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[Author: It would be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment (I encourage comments!), and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]


*Y/n Flashback*

It was the middle of the night usually by this time when boredom hit. I shifted on my bed back and forth to the sound of fabric rubbing against me.

"ughhhhh" I finally said as I slammed my fist on each side of me staring up at the ceiling. "Estoy aburridisima~" My eyes closed in an attempt to fall asleep but they shot wide open. "Nope" I sat up. I was feeling mischievous and also intent on bothering someone.

"hehehe~" I got up, sliding my sandals and placing a thin layer of sweater over my arms. I gently shifted my doorknob wincing at the slightest click it made.

I carefully made my way over to my victim's room tiptoeing the way. 

To my luck he didn't lock his door I twisted the knob wincing once again at the slightest piece of noise. I went in and carefully closed the door behind me. I turned around and saw his laying body sleeping peacefully in his bed.

What kind of evil person could disturb a human's sleep? Me of course.

I slammed the palm of my hand over my mouth keeping my laughter and giggles quiet. The single thought of what I was about to do brought comfort to my inner child. 

Used to do this to my brothers back home when I couldn't sleep, just because.

My feet made their way to the side of his bed. He was facing the wall leaning to his side breathing in... and out. The amount of peace there was in him made me jealous that I wanted to ruin it.

I clenched my fist smiling like an idiot and went in. I slammed my palm over his mouth, seeming like a kidnapper. I could tell his eyes shot wide, his hands reaching my arm. I spat some slight quiet laughs and he reacted and held my arm tight and flipped me onto his bed.

He set me under him and pulled my wrist over my head. as his vision became one with the darkness and the moon's light shining through his balcony. He saw me clearly and still continued his act with fury and RAGEE.

He grabbed the large pillow that was set aside and covered my face with it. I on the other hand couldn't contain my laughter underneath the pillow. Soon I noticed my situation. He was indeed taking it seriously pushing down on the pillow. I slapped the air with my hands until I reached his arms, slapping him but of course no help.

I stopped resisting and just lifted my hands up in defeat. The air was getting tighter and tighter underneath the large piece of cotton.

He took off the pillow and I took a deep breath "HUUUUU!! How could you?!" I whispered.

"How the hell could you!?!!" He also whispered, leaning down towards my face, an angry hedgehog mad because I disturbed his beauty sleep.

"tabién tabién no lo niego me pase te pendeja...." I looked up at him. I left it like that but there soon an awkward feeling as he looked at me with an angry expression, I was feeling awkward as no one was saying anything and he was still seated over me. "So...." I nudged my lips looking at the side and clearing my throat slightly. "Are you going to stay there? or don't tell me you're going to abuse me?" His eyes shot wide open, and he lifted a leg over me and sat next to me on the bed as I sat up.

"I hate it when you say uncalled-for comments (╬"

No comment after that we just sat on his bed "Why are you even awake?" He asked

"I couldn't sleep."

"Then go bother someone else ╬"

"And where's the fun in that?"

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