Chapter 73- "Chinga tu madre."

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[Author: It would really be encouraging for me as the author if anyone reading could follow, comment (I encourage comments!), and vote! Thank you so much to everyone]


"Hi, everyone, we interrupt this broadcast today to explain the new villain or hero that's been roaming through the city of Japan for days now. If you ever come across the...Hero or villain," There was uncertainty as to how this person should be addressed, villain or hero? "Please don't try coming close to them, for now, they've been known through social media as 'Black blade'. If you are unaware of this person, I'll play the viral video on the screen."

The video was filmed by two teenagers as they filmed each other smoking in an abandoned building. behind the boy who was smoking came crashing someone inside the building from the glassed wall. They both docked covering themselves from the mess. The boy with the camera continued filming until the dust cleared up. It showed 'Black Blade' above a mutated quirk villain strangling them. 'Black blade' set their knees on each side of the guy's waist, and she lifted him up by the collar and 'black blades' tough leather gloves punched the man multiple times until they weren't resisting anymore. Blood splashed everywhere on the gray dirty tile. The camera was shaken by the teenage boy shaking. Both teenagers finally let out a gasp soon covering their mouths as 'Black Blade' turned their head towards them.

Black Blade let go of the man's collar as he lay on the ground with no sign of life. Black Blade got up with the style of a villain. They walked towards the boys as they tried scouting away but there was no salvation for escaping that mysterious person who had just killed someone in front of them. As the camera continued rolling Black Blade stopped walking and observed them and then at the camera. They leaned forward towards the camera and waved. The teenager who had smoked choked at the unexpected gesture.

Black Blade noticed and walked toward the kid while the other kid stuttered and continued filming, making the camera move with Black Blade's movements that went toward his friend.

Black blade snatched the cigarette of cocaine and dropped it on the floor rubbing it with their large leather boot until there were only crumbs and specs of it.

Black Blade jumped from the building and that's how the video ended.

"Now that was the first ever video of the mysterious 'Black Blade' that goes around killing large groups of villains that are expected to be part of the league of villains trafficking drugs and other substances. This person continues to run through social media beating up drug dealers and villains. People have even come to the conclusion of learning their fighting style as Black Blade seems to not use any type of quirk."

Y/ns POV

After another duty of beating up groups using the name league of villains to do their nasty business, I arrived at the league of villains' new hideout which was in a remote rich building underneath it there hid a basement with a scientific lab where Shigaraki was being 'remodeled' apparently.

"Wow, Y/n you just continue circling the internet like it's a piece of cake!" Mr. Compress says as I take off the mask and hood off my face. Drops of sweat dripped down my neck and face. I take a deep breath out finally getting air through my nose and face.

"huh? oh yeah isn't it crazy?"

"You look hotter every time you take off that mask~" A new recruit flatters me every time I walk in.

"Chinga tu madre." I gave him a side eye and walked away he scoffs and smirks.

I opened the door to where Shigaraki flooded in a tank with tubes and machines everywhere. I got close to Kyudai Garaki while trying to take my costume off. "Is he almost ready?"

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