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I was leaving Murad's chambers with Yasmin and my other maids behind me who were taking care of my five children as I saw Mehmed Paşa coming from his chamber.

"Sultanım." he bowed to me as I nodded as a sign of knowledge about his presence. He looked next to me and behind me and saw the children whom he gave a smile. Turhan especially returned his smile.

"Paşa'm, welcome back to Istanbul." I signaled my maids to bring the children back to my chambers. As they were returning, I saw how Turhan turned her head and looked at Mehmed before following her siblings. It wasn't the first time she did that.

"How was Bursa?" I asked and reminded him of his trip to there. Murad had some state issues to do in Bursa, but couldn't go because of the incidents in the capital. That's why he sent Mehmed.

"Quite normal Sultanım." he simply answered and I nodded.

"I heard what happened in the capital in my absence. You got rid of Silahtar Paşa, am I right?" his sentence made me smile in proudness.

"Well, we still don't know what happened to him. His majesty didn't give us information about his death." I told him detailed. He was about to say something as he looked behind me and his eyes widened. I raised my eyebrows and turned around and saw someone from I thought I would never see again; Silahtar.

"Sultanım." he smiled hugely and bowed to me. I didn't look back to Mehmed, but I was sure that he was as shocked as I was.

"Silahtar?" I questioned myself to be honest. I couldn't believe that he actually stood in front of me.

"It's me Sultanım." he simply said and gave a nod to Mehmed before walking into the privy chambers, I assume to meet with Murad.

"How is it possible..." I turned around to face Mehmed again.

"Maybe his majesty has forgiven him for his crime." Mehmed suggested, but I didn't pay to much attention. I took the edge of my dress and walked to the doors of Murad's chambers.

"Open the doors." I said in calm way and fixed my headscarf. The Ağa nodded and walked in to ask for permission.

"Elmas, what is it?" Murad asked confused, because I just came out of his chambers a couple of minutes ago.

"I heard that Mustafa Paşa has returned to the palace and wanted to welcome him back." I turned to Silahtar who had the biggest smirk on his face.

"Thank you Sultanım." I gave him a fake smile.

"Where have you been for the last month Paşa?" I asked as I walked towards Murad who stood in front of his throne. Murad gave me a confused look which I didn't respond at all.

"To prove my loyalty to Hünkarım, I fasted and prayed for 40 days in a mausoleum. That's why I couldn't be in the palace until the days were over, but now I am back." he explained and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. How could this happen? When I thought I got rid of one of my biggest enemies he comes back even stronger. Perfect.

"If there is nothing else Silahtar, you can return to you work as the Grand Vizier." Murad told him and he bowed before leaving the room. Murad turned to me with an angry face what I didn't expected.

"Why would you want to know everything about him, Elmas?" he asked.

"I was curious, I mean he committed a crime. Murad he had to be beheaded for falling in love and even having a relationship with a Sultana." I told him what made him angrier.

"I already told you this Elmas, stay out of politics. It is my decision who gets a punishment and who doesn't." I widened my eyes. Murad turned around and was about to walk out to terrace as I stopped him.

"And what if it wasn't Silahtar who committed the crime but someone else? Would you still forgive him?" this time I raised my voice.

"Elmas, don't test my patience." he said still with his back towards me.

"You not responding is already the answer to my question. You would kill him right away, but you made for Silahtar an exception." now he turned around with anger filled in his eyes.

"You may leave." he tried to control the tone of his voice. I cleared my throat before bowing and leaving the room. I was about to walk to my chambers as I heard Silahtar's voice.

"Did you wait for the news of my execution, Sultanım?" I raised my head and walked closer to him.

"Of course Paşa. The actual question is who didn't wait for those news." I laughed and so did he.

"For those news you have to break the bond between me and his majesty and that is impossible. I am not only his right hand but also his best friend for years." I gave him a fake smile.

"Not even our late Kösem Sultan could do this." he continued and reminded me of her.

"I have something Kösem didn't had Silahtar. I have Murad's trust." I said while looking him directly in the eyes.

"I am closer to him than anyone else and that will be my shield and sword in the war." I smiled and before he could say anything else, I turned around and walked away.

As soon as I arrived in my chamber, I went to the shelf where I kept all the important letters which I got. I was searching for the list which Perşem once gave me with all the names of the Silahtar's loyal servants. I thought it would never be valuable because I will get rid of him without it, but I was wrong.

"Gonca!" I shouted and she came running from their part of the room. She shook her head to ask what I wanted.

"Give this immediately to Mehmed and tell him to gather all men who are listed in here together." I ordered as I handed her the piece of paper.

"Paşa has already returned?" she asked and I nodded.

"Fine, what you say." she knocked on the doors so the girl who were standing outside would open them. I walked to the couch and sat down putting my hand on my forehead.

"What is this for a disaster..." I muttered to myself.

𝔼𝕝𝕞𝕒𝕤 𝕊𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕒𝕟|| Magnificent Century Kösem Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora