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Days passed and we were still on the ship. Everything I could think of was my family and the recovery of my mother.

Cassandra tried the whole time to hype me up and change my thoughts, but it didn't help. Honestly not all of my thoughts were based on my family. I also thought a lot about the man that helped me.

Most of them were questions like
'Who was he?' or 'Why did he help me.'

In this time I also got closer to Yasmin. Cassie and her both tried to find out where they were taking us. I didn't care at all.

One day we were eating breakfast as a firework started. All girls looked out of the window and we finally arrived in Istanbul.

The ships stopped at the harbour and a man tied all of our hands with a rope. We walked out of the ship in a kind of carriage which took us to the Topkapi Palace.

When we arrived an other man welcomed us in the gardens. He wasn't wearing the clothes of the men on the ship. His clothes were more luxurious and elegant.

"Hatuns! Attention please!" he shouted at us.

"I am Hagi Ağa, a servant of the Harem in the Topkapi Palace. All of you will wash yourself in the Hammam and then you will meet the Valide Sultan, understand?" he looked at each if us as we all nodded.

"Lalezar, take them." a young woman showed us the direction. She walked first and we all followed her.

"Wow this palace is so beautiful." Cassie admired the Harem as we walked trough it. The girls in the Harem looked at us in disgust which I just tried to play cool.

"I hope this palace will burn with everyone in it." I muttered to myself and got a shocked face from Cassie.

She was about to say something as Lalezar spoke.

"This is the Hammam. Hurry up and clean yourself, Valide Sultan doesn't like to wait." we went into the bath.

"Who is Valide Sultan?" I asked as me, Cassie and Yasmin sat down and began to wash ourselves.

"Valide Kösem Sultan is mother of the Sultan. She ruled the Empire for 10 years, because the Sultan was still a kid. Now that the Sultan is grown up he wants to do it alone." Yasmin said. She knew so much about the Harem, because of her father. He worked in Istanbul for a while.

"Girls! Stop talking and hurry up." Lalezar talked to us with a harsh voice. We nodded and hurried.

Since everyone feared Kösem Sultan, she must be very powerful. I made up a plan in my head to behave excellent in front of her so she could help me with returning to my home.

After finishing some maids brought us clothes to wear. They weren't as beautiful as the ones that the girls in the Harem wore, but still alright.

"When you enter her room don't look up until she gives permission. Don't speak until she gives permission. Don't do anything until she gives permission, okay?" Lalezar breathed nervously as we nodded.

She knocked at her doors and then we all walked in. The room was as big as my whole house on our island and it looked so magnificent and beautiful.

"Valide Sultanım, these are the new girls that came from a greek island." Lalezar spoke after bowing to Valide Sultan.

From the corner of my eye I could see a lady in her early 35s walking towards us. She looked at every inch of us until she gave us permission to look up. I don't lie, she really was beautiful.

"This is the Harem of Sultan Murad Khan! Every of you are his concubine and only his. If you are smart and charming, you will get his attention and with Allah's will give him a Şehzade, after going to Halvat. Did you understand?" we all nodded as she walked closer to us.

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