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I was currently laying on Murad's bed in his chambers giving birth to my second child. It was a lot earlier than it should be and that made the doctors lose hope for the baby being born alive.

Through the whole labor Gonca and Lalezar were next to me giving me motivation to not give up while Yasmin was taking care of Turhan.

"I see the head of the baby. Push a little further." one of the midwives said.

"Is the baby alive?" Gonca asked what made Lalezar glance at her. They didn't want me to stop just because it might be born dead. While I was screaming and shouting outside, I was praying and nearly losing hope inside.

I gave it one last hard push and the baby came out. Others would rest now, but I got up from laying to sitting on the bed and looked at my baby.

I was about to begin yelling again, but the baby began to cry. It really began to cry.

"Thank you Allah'm." I muttered with tears of joy in my eyes. I had the biggest smile on my face just like Lalezar and Gonca.

As Murad also heard the baby's cry, he came back in. He smiled as soon as he saw the baby in the midwife's arms.

"Congratulations Hünkarım, we have another Şehzade." I couldn't believe what I've heard. My smile even grew bigger as the doctor handed my baby boy to his father who kissed his forehead.

After kissing his little cheeks, Murad looked at me and gave me a soft smile. I don't know why, but in that moment I forgot everything he did and returned the smile. He walked up to me and gave me my son.

He was a lot smaller than Turhan when she was born.

"Hünkarım, our little Şehzade is very small and was born two months earlier than expected. It is a true miracle that he is alive. He needs to be with his mother all the time and it would also be the best if his own mother breastfeeds him and not someone else." the doctor said and Murad nodded. How could she think that I would allow my son to be even near someone else than me or my loyal servants.

"You can all leave." Murad ordered and everyone including Gonca and Lalezar to leave his chambers what made us be alone. He sat next to me on his bed while looking at our baby.

"Thank Allah he is born healthy." he said and made me look up at him.

"He wouldn't be born that way if you hadn't make me stress so much." I reminded him of his betrayal.

"Elmas-" I cut him off.

"No Murad, there is no excuse for this. I was pregnant with our child while you wanted to sleep with another woman. Thank god I came before it actually happened." I pounded like a child and turned my head to look at the baby again.

I felt his hand on my cheek causing me to turn back to him.

"Elmas, my precious Sultana, even if I look at someone else, you will always be the only true woman in my heart." I was angry at him, but his words, especially calling me Sultana, made my heart flutter.

"Promise me you will never see that woman again." he first sighed what made me think he would say no.

"I promise." he kissed my forehead making me smile.

"Now rest, it was a painful birth." he wanted to take the baby and make me rest and sleep.

"I will, but with him. You heard what the midwife said, it's to riskant." he nodded and kissed me and our son once again before leaving the room. I totally forgot that I gave birth in his chambers what no one else ever did.

I laid my son next to me and closed my eyes

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I laid my son next to me and closed my eyes. I was so exhausted that I directly fell asleep.


Gonca handed me a headscarf while Lalezar had my son in her arms.

"Mashallah, he is a true fighter." Lalezar said as she gave me my baby who's naming ceremony would start in a couple of minutes. I was still in the chambers of the Sultan as all the Sultanas except Ayşe came in. I nodded my head, because I couldn't bow.

"Congratulations Elmas." each of them said in another tone and expression. While Gevherhan Sultan was very happy and smiling, Atike didn't really care and had a normal face. Kösem in the other hand had the biggest fake smile on her face that I've ever seen.

Soon everyone of the royal family which I was finally part of were in the room. Murad had the baby in his arms, saying the azan in hin ears before the name.

"Bayezid, your name will be Bayezid." he said and all the heads in the room turned to him in shock. He named his son after his half brother, Şehzade Beyazid.

As Murad gave me my son back, he turned to the people inside his chambers as if he wanted to announce something important.

"You all know that Gülbahar Sultan came to the palace because of her sickness. My brother Bayezid wanted to see his mother after a long time and I couldn't say no, but now I've decided that Gülbahar Sultan will stay here in Istanbul. It is my wish and order." he told everyone clearly. While Gülbahar was grinning in happiness, Kösem Sultan starred at her son like a stranger. She sure was disappointed.

Şehzade Bayezid came closer to Murad and kissed his hand before Murad pulled him into a hug.

"Thank you so much Hünkarım." he said in happiness as they pulled away. It would be hard to make Murad exile his brother Bayezid or make him kill him. He even named our son after him.

"May our new Şehzade live long under the shadow of his parents." Gülbahar Sultan said to me and Murad.

"You all may leave now." everyone bowed to Murad and walked out. Kösem signaled Murad to go to the balcony, because she wanted to talk to him. Obviously about the whole Gülbahar Sultan thing.

Now that it is set that Gülbahar stays in the Topkapi Palace, my spy could easily tell me the information. If she returned from the hell where she came from, it would be a lot harder or nearly impossible.

I heard how Kösem Sultan yelled at Murad outside his chambers at the terrace.

"How could you allow such a thing? You know why she was exiled! She tried to dethrone you and enthrone her own son." she shouted so loud that I could hear it.

"Validam, she won't dare to do anything again." Kösem sighed in annoyance and walked back inside.

"God give me patience." she muttered and knocked at the doors to walk out.

"Gülbahar Sultan tried to dethrone you? I thought she was exiled because the rules say so." I asked as Murad sat at the edge of his bed. I really didn't know about her actions in the past.

"She did, but she won't dare such a thing again. I was naive and young, but now I can handle it. Do not worry." he said and smiled. In that moment there was a knock on the door.

Lalezar Kalfa walked in with Yasmin who had Turhan in her arms. As soon as I saw my daughter, I smiled.

"Turhan'm" Murad stood up to pick his daughter from Yasmin. Both Lalezar and Yasmin were standing in the corner while Murad came back to me.

"Mommy" my daughter hugged me, trying not to touch her baby brother who was in my arms.

"Look at your new brother." I showed her Bayezid who was sleeping peacefully. She firstly explored every inch of him and then brushed his head.

"He is so tiny." she said what made Murad and me laugh.

"He is. And that's why he needs his big sister." Murad kissed Turhan's cheek while she nodded and smiled.

"I will be with him, I promise." her words made me happy even though she was still a child. My only wish was that they would love each other and have a long and happy life. My children and Murad.

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