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As I woke up the next morning, Murad already left my chambers. I made myself ready for the day with two maids helping me as a knock on my door got my attention.

"Pass." I said and saw Lalezar coming in with a grin on her face.

"What's that face for?" I smiled a bit and she just starred at the maid that was brushing my hair and the other who cleaned my bed.

"Leave us alone." I ordered both of them and they left immediately. I signaled Lalezar to come closer.

"And?" I asked nervously. Since Lalezar wanted to speak alone the matter must be important.

"Mehmed Paşa handed both letters to his majesty." she started and I smiled widely.

"What did he say? Will he execute his brother?" she shrugged her shoulder and I sighed.

"He didn't say anything nor did Mehmed Paşa leave his chambers." I thought for a moment before grabbing a headscarf and putting it on.

"Where do you go Sultanım?" Lalezar Kalfa asked as we both left the room in a fast tempo. I didn't respond and walked faster with her following every of my movements.

"Please Sultanım, don't do anything crazy." she begged as we arrived at the privy chambers.

"Tell Hünkarım about my presence." I ordered the guard who bowed and walked in. While he was inside I turned my head to the room of the Grand Vizier, Silahtar. At that moment an idea came to my mind.

"Is Silahtar Paşa in his chamber?" I whispered to Lalezar and she shook her head. At one point she stopped as if she had read my mind.

"You want me to search in his room for sources, don't you?" I smirked to her and she sighed looking up and raising her hands.

"Ya Allah help me." she prayed.

"That's a big reason why I like you, your mind works like mine." I patted on her shoulder before the guard came back from inside.

"His majesty awaits you Sultanım." I turned to Lalezar one last time and she nodded.

"Hünkarım." I bowed to Murad who stood in front of his throne with Mehmed Paşa.

"Paşa, I did not know that you were here too

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"Paşa, I did not know that you were here too." I lied playing the victim in this situation. I had to do everything I could to keep it a secret that I was behind all those. Only god knows what Murad would do if he found out.

"I found out about something very important Sultanım. I had to tell his majesty as soon as possible." Mehmed said playing this dirty game with me.

"What is it about?" I asked coming closer to both of them. Murad finally turned his head to me with sadness and anger in his eyes. This must have upset and sadden him at the same time.

Mehmed looked at Murad like he was asking for permission about telling me what was going on.

"Bayezid... he wants to dethrone me." Murad responded himself. I did the best I could to look shocked, angry and disappointed. I put my hand on my breast to act like everything around me was spinning.

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