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The sun disappeared and soon it was night while I was still sitting at the bed in the infirmary room.

Lalezar Kalfa brought me something to eat and promised me to check on me in a while. Yasmin and Gonca also left to do their work.

I told them not to tell anyone about my pregnancy, because I wanted to do it myself. Murad should be the first one who I tell the news.

I was laying on the bed and drinking water as someone knocked at the doors.

"Pass." I saw Hagi Ağa walking in with a grin on his face.

"Elmas Hatun, Hünkarım wants to see you." he smiled hugely at me.

At that moment an idea came to my mind. Kösem Sultan told me not to say anything to Murad about the incident with Ayşe, but she didn't say anything about him finding it out by himself.

"I don't feel well, Hagi. Tell his majesty that I can't come. I am too weak." I said in a low voice so he would believe me.

"Hatun, do you want me beheaded? Don't try to fool me, come on let's go." he walked to me. As he touched my arm to help me get up, I screamed as if it hurt.

"Hagi! You're hurting me." I cried and yelled what made him step back. The doctor heard my yelling and came as fast as she could to me.

"Ağa, she is pregnant with his majesty's child. He will kill you if he finds out what you do." Hagi Ağa gave me a shocked look and I nodded.

"Ya Allah! Hatun why didn't you tell me, I will tell Valide Sultan and Hünkarım as soon as possible." he wanted to go out as I stopped him.

"No, wait! I want to do it. Now go and just tell Hünkarım that I don't feel well." he didn't understand my plan, but still did what I said.

It took a moment until the doors bursted open and Murad came in. He had the most worried look on his face that I've ever seen.

"Elmas'm, what happened? How are you feeling." he sat at the edge of my bed. He took my hand into his and rubbed circles on my cheek with his other hand.

I looked behind him and saw Hagi Ağa standing there. As Murad noticed he ordered everyone to leave us alone.

"Now tell me, what happened that made you so weak?" he helped me to get up, so I would face him.

"I don't know how to say... I am afraid that she will do it again." I looked down on purpose. I acted shy and afraid.

"Elmas no one can hurt you now, you're safe with me." he put his hand on my chin and made me look into his beautiful grey eyes. I saw so much sadness and worry in them that I actually felt a bit guilty.

"I was in the dungeons for two whole days. I actually wouldn't make you sad with these words, but I wasn't alone as they locked me up with no water and food." his expression changed from worried to a mix of confused and angry.

I put my hand on my belly and he realized.

"I am pregnant Murad. We are going to have a son." a smile grew on his face as he kissed my forehead.

"Elmas'm, you don't know how happy you made me with these news." after ending his sentence he kissed my lips sweetly. I have missed this feeling so much.

"I will tell Hagi Ağa to distribute sweets and juice in the Harem, but now tell me who put you in the dungeons." he said seriously.

"Was it my Valide?" I shook my head as a 'no'.

"Was it one of my siblings?" I still shook my head and he finally understood.

"It was Ayşe, wasn't it?" this time I just looked at him and he took it as a 'yes'. He kissed my forehead once again and told me to rest.

"What did you tell him?" Hagi asked as Murad walked out angrily.

"Nothing." I laid my head on my pillow and closed my eyes. Soon my life would completely change. I will become a Sultana and get revenge on everyone who treated me like shit. Firstly Ayşe Sultan and then Kösem Sultan.


"Slowly Elmas." Gonca said as we walked into my new chambers. I still was to weak to walk alone that's why Yasmin and Gonca both helped me.

We walked in and as soon as Lalezar saw us she prepared the couch for me to sit down.

"How do you feel?" Lalezar asked as I sat down.

"A lot better than yesterday, thanks to the medicine." she nodded and handed me some sweets that were given in the Harem.

"I really wanted to see the girls' and Ayse's face after hearing the news of my pregnancy

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"I really wanted to see the girls' and Ayse's face after hearing the news of my pregnancy." I said and all three laughed.

"I was there as they gave us the sweets and everyone got so jealous!" Yasmin told me which mad me smirk.

At that moment the doors opened and Kösem Sultan walked in. Everyone stood up in hectic except for me.

"Sultanım excuse me for not being able to bow to you." she nodded and signaled all the maids to leave us two alone.

"Did something happen, Sultanım?" I know exactly why she was here. She for sure wanted to ask me why I told Murad about Ayşe.

"Tell you me

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"Tell you me. Didn't you promise to not tell Murad about the incident?" she sat down on the couch next to me.

"Sultanım, believe me it wasn't my fault. Hünkarım came all of sudden and asked me. I still tried to deny it, but he knew that it was Ayşe Sultan." I lied hoping that she would believe me.

"You can fool everyone, but not me. I know you have told him and I understand, I would tell him too. But be careful with trying to lie to me. Next time I won't forgive you." she was harsh at first, but lowered her voice at the end.

"And now..." she changed the subject and pulled out a box.

"Congratulations for your pregnancy." she gave me the box and I opened it. There was a beautiful necklace inside.

She raised her hand and I immediately kissed it.

"Thank you Sultanım." she gave me a smile and stood up and walked out.

It would be a lot harder to get rid of her as I thought. Maybe I should became closer to her and then after I know all of her secrets, I would get rid of her.

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