Chapter 35(final)

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(Y/N pov)

As we drove our way to the wedding location I looked at the other girls that were having fun and laughing as I looked out the window then eve asked me.

"hey darling are you ok you look down"I look over to eve and see the others looking worried and then I said.

"Im ok just thinking how I went from a humble no one just living my then went working for you girls then start dating then now we are getting married"I told them then they looked at each other and then eve grabbed my arm then pulled me closer to her and as she hugged me she said.

"and we are grateful for it so please lighten up for us or do want us to be sad during this wedding"eve told me then I started to laugh then as I finish and then I said to eve.

"Now that reminds me eve please tell me you are going to stop taking items from my room and expanding your shrine please"I said then eve smirked then the others laughed and akali was dying then eve laughed and said.

"Oh darling you will never understand I won't stop at all"eve said then everyone else started to die laughing and as it continued I ask eve.

"so I guess I must try to hide my stuff from you then"I said then eve pulled my face to look at her and she smirked and then said.

"Oh you think but I will try darling but I will find them"as eve said then everyone couldn't stop laughing and akali was having trouble breathing and as me and eve conversation went on then ahri asked me.

"so I guess the mood now changed so eve how did you plan the wedding pretty quickly"ahri asked eve and she let me go and look towards ahri and then thinks about it then says.

"here the thing I really just got my mom and her friends to do it for me so I didn't really do much but thanks to her we were able to get it done less than 2 hours"eve said and as we all enjoy our time driving our way there and after 45 minutes of driving phone starts to ring then eve answered then as she listened to the call then she hung up and said.

"well they finished all the preparation is complete and also from where we are we will arrive in 5 minutes and also they made a wedding cake and from what my mom said it look great"eve said and as we all just kept on talking and after 5 minutes we reached our destination and looked outside to see an entire wedding party ready and a lot of people there and as we look out ahri said.

"Wait is that our family here"ahri said then everyone else looked out the window and saw their parents then akali looked back at eve and asked.

"How did your mom convince our parents to come here and how did she get their numbers"then we all look towards eve then shrugged her shoulder and said.

"Don't ask me I would ask my mother how she got and also you except me to know what my mom does"eve said and as the car stopped and then the door was opened the girls first got out then after words I got out and saw the scenery and then as that happened my arm was grabbed and was pulled by the girls then they all said at the same time.

"come up let get married now and let have fun"they all said as they start dragging me into place and as everyone sits down and the girls get on the other side and the priest looked at us then confused he whispered into my ear.

"are we suppose to wait for the other to arrive or is this it"he asked me then I whispered into his ear saying.

"no this is it I'm marrying these 5 girls and that about it"I told him then very confused looked at me and then looked at the girls and said again.

"really you and these 5 girls I'm surprised most people get lucky to get one but you got 5 I hope you treat them right then and let get this over with"he said and he got out his book and everyone sat down and he turned the page and started to say.

"I Daniel take you, Y/N ahri evelynn Kai'sa akali and Seraphine,
to be my wedded to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till death us do part according to God's holy will and I pledge to you my faithfulness"he told us and as we all waited he then said.

"and now you may kiss the brides"he said and as we all look at each other I walked up to the girls one at a time and kissed each of them and as I finished they all hugged me and then I hear claps and as the girls released the hug I hear.

"Well now that over with who wants some cake"I look over to see a energetic mom then walking towards the cake and pulls it over to see a tall vanilla cake with our figures on it and as we walk over to then I see my friend Darien here and he hugs me and says.

"man can't believe you are living the dream that many fans would love"he said then as I laughed then I asked him.

"how did you get here"I asked him he then said.

"well here the thing eve called me and told me where it would happen and I thought I might as well come and also I knew you would need that tux eventually and have fun man"he said then as he walked off towards the cake and then I walked over to the cake and as I wait for cake slice and then as I got my slice then the purple haired mom said.

"oh hey your my daughter boyfriend now husband nice to meet I'm evelynn mom nice to meet you"she said as she handed me my plate and as I grab the plate then I said.

"well nice to meet you as well"I said then I walked over to a seat and sat down and started to eat the cake and as I eat my cake I look around to see everyone is having fun sitting together and as I sign and as I was going to get up I feel a hand on my shoulder I look to the source of it and eve ahri saying.

"You really think we are going to leave you alone like your past no you have people who care for you now"as she finish then the others come around me and sit around me and as I laughed and said.

"And here I thought on a special day I would be alone once again"I said and as the others laughed then eve told me.

"Oh please once your apart of us we won't give you a chance to be alone"eve said and as the laughter went on and talking went on then as we finished our cake then akali just fell on my lap then said.

"I'm just going to stay here"akali just said and as I pat her head and the wedding party went on and as the party ended we all got up from our chairs and the girls first went towards their parents while I walked towards the car and as I waited then as they all came over and as we all got in and drove back home and after driving back for 50 minutes we got and went back up towards our homes and then we went towards our rooms to change and I finish I came out to be the first to sit on the couch and as the rest of the girls came out ahri and kaisa then laid their heads on my lap and I rub their heads eve asked.

"Are you ready for this life now darling"eve asked as she placed her hand on my shoulder and as akali and sera stood next to her and the other two looking at me then I said.

"Yeah I think I am"and after I finish speaking then they all hugged me as I sat down enjoying my life.

Well that the end of this story hoped you enjoyed this and I got another one in the making coming out soon so be ready.

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