Chapter 3

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(Time skip) Y/N pov
The school day ended and everyone went home but I didn't want to do but I put in the phone digits and waited for the someone to pick up after 20 seconds I heard evelynn voice saying

"who is this and how did you get this number" she says angrily then I reply.

"Did you already forget who akali gave this number too after she said that she sounded relieved and then said.

Come to our penthouse where you saved kaisa from at 4:00 pm then we talk from there got it" she said I replied saying.

"Got it and what exactly are we going to talk about I already signed the contract and I know you have a concert here but what else" I said but got no answer after a minute she said.

"We'll tel you after you get here" she said after that she hung up and I sat there very confused to what she means then looked at the time and realized I got half a hour to do stuff well might as well make some coffee.

(Evelynn pov)

When I hung up we all talk about the plan to tell him how we like him we started talking then ahri said.

"How about we just tie him up" as ahri finished the sentence we all looked at her and I said.

"You still haven't gotten over right ahri" when I finished she nodded and replied.

"Yeah I'm just so sad he cheated on me and I want him to pay" but akali interrupted her and said then kai just said.

"how about we all just tell him when he gets here" we all look at kai and she looked back and forth then saying.

"What none of all said but the shy had to to say" she said crossing her arms I was going to speak but stop when I realized she was right then we all agreed that we all would just tell him and then we just waited.

About half an hour later

We just waited for the elevator to open and said akali said.

"you think he really going to come I know he like kai but more antisocial you think he going to come" I looked at her and said blankly.

"I know that he does not having people around him but would those type of people lie" I said then she just sat there realizing what she said and continue act like nothing happen then we heard someone say.

"What are y'all talking about" as we turned around we stood there in shook and awe how he got in and then he just replied.

"What y'all thought I wanted to go through the elevator and attract attention going through the front door no I just teleported up here and here you thought I was going to go through the elevator no I made coffee be this and didn't want to walk out with it so I'm here so what did you y'all want to talk about" he says as he just sits down on our couch and place his coffee on our table as we sit down and just about when I going to speak he spoke for me saying.

"I know there more then just talking about me being a bodyguard and also the fact that you asked me to sign a contract in the middle of lunch with the entire lunch over our table and the fact you know I don't deal with crowds so this means is about something else am I right" he says as he picks up his cup of coffee and starts to drink more of it and as he sits back and is drinking his coffee ahri just then says.

"Well about that we sorta all have a crush on you and want to ask you" as ahri that sentence he went wide mouth put down his and went our sink and spat out his coffee then cleaned it then he just said.

"I'm sorry what did you just say to me and how do all of you have a crush on me you don't even know me" he says confused as he sits back down and just looked at us while we look at each other and we all just said.

"That sounds about right why" we all said while he just looks at and says.

"Can we forget that we meet each other and can you make sure that contract is gone we are done and I'm gone see y'all never" just about we he got up I used my lashers to put him back down on the seat and looked at him saying.

"Oh sorry I'm persistent to people I like so either you say yes or I'm going to have force you got it" I say with a fake smile on my face while he just sat there and sighed saying.

"Fine I will but can you make sure this is not go public because I hate dealing with people" he says and all nodded and I let my lashers come back and when he was going to teleport back home akali grabbed him saying.

"Oh yeah we didn't tell you but since we are dating us and your working for us you have to stay here" she says as she drags Y/N to his new room.

(Akali pov)

As I drag Y/N to his new room he says to me.

"Why do I have to live here exactly I can always teleport here" he says confused still getting dragged I reply to him saying.

"Well for one for sure since your dating all four of us and you hate dealing with people we figured we have to hang out with much time in our house so don't question it and also evelynn is the person who like our mom and she wanted this so you don't have a say in this and your stuff will be moved by an hour so get used to your new home" I say stopping in front of his new room and opened the door and said.

"Well this is new room and if you need anything you can always your new girlfriend anything oh before I go" he looks at me and I just kiss his lips and he just stood there in shook and I just walked away from him.

(Y/N pov)

As akali leave I started to question if they all like me while she left me standing there I shut the door and look at the room that had dust everywhere a nice bed a table with no computer and I just thought.

(Y/N thoughts): man they had a free room and didn't do any thing well time clean this room.

After I teleported back home to grab my cleaning supplies I started cleaning my room I heard a knock them kaisa said.

"Y/N your needed in the living room" she says as I stop cleaning and take off my gear and look at a clean room and opened the door and said.

"Just give me a moment to put my cleaning stuff away then I'll be down soon" I say then she nods and walks away about 2 minutes later I walk out my room to see everyone sitting there looking at akali and I question what happening I say.

"what is happening here" they all look at me and ahri rushes me and says.

"Is it true you kissed akali" she says grabbing my shirt and shaking me back and forth while looking at me and I say.

"Yes why is that a bad thing or what" I say but then she replied.

"Why couldn't I be your kiss" she says shaking me again and I look over to see Evelynn just looking at me and kai just starting having puffy cheeks then I say.

"You were serious weren't you right" I say the. Ahri said.

"Oh course you had to kiss akali first why couldn't just kiss me" ahri says then evelynn uses here lashers to grab and pull me to her and she places my head in her lap and says.

"You are going to have to get use to this darling we love you" she says as she pats my head and I lay there and wonder how my life become this.

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