Chapter 29

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(Y/N pov)

After a week of being alone with the house all quiet and with the girls girls calling in to check every time and with me cleaning the girls constantly I'm sitting in the living room then resting on the couch tired after cleaning all the girls room for an hour I sat down then I looked at my phone to see ahri is calling me I answered then when I answered I see the girls on the beds then as they saw me in the same situation ahri said.

"so I can guess you also had a very tiring day as well babe"ahri said then as I groaned and laid down on the couch and told the girls.

"Let say I had to clean your rooms for about an hour and it took away and I was exhausted by the end of cleaning so what is your excuse girls"I said while I heard a couple groans and then as ahri looked around the room and said.

"we had a long day of touring the country doing fan meetings dealing with a bunch of perverts and dealing with people asking many questions and going to many fan meetings it was exhausting for us so we all are in the same page as well babe"ahri said as the others came around ahri phone to look at me and I look at the girls and we sat there tired and then after a few minutes of sitting around I said.

"Well girls you seem tired and I am as well did you just call me to see my face or you want to talk"I asked then ahri and the others laughed and then ahri said.

"Both but we need to say is that we really really miss you it been a long 1 week but we need to talk to someone who is fine with talking and not doing anything weird"ahri said while the others groan and then I said to them.

"Well you can and also call me in times you get to take breaks but knowing the case that will be awhile"I told them then ahri just faked laughed then as we sat there talking then eve said to ahri.

"Well we need to get ready to leave again and as much as we all want to talk to Y/N we need to go"ahri then looked at eve then sighed and waved goodbye at me and I said to ahri before she hung up.

"Well have fun girls before you can lose your sanity in the tour girls"I told them before ahri smiled then hung up the call then I dropped my phone and then i quickly fell asleep.

(ahri pov)

As I hung up the phone with Y/N I got up from the bed and went towards the door out and saw the rest of the girls standing out of the door and then they look at me then they come over to me then after that kai said.

"well ahri you ready to do another fan meeting again and also answer some of the fans questions"kai asked me with a hand on my shoulder then I said to kai.

"Yeah sure let hope they don't get very perverted again"I told kai then as she took her hand off my shoulder then turned around to walk back I stretched then followed behind kai to see eve sera and akali were getting ready to head downstairs and then they turned as kai approached and then sera said to me.

"well ahri are you ready for another fan meeting and also this QnA with the fans then after we finish this eve told us that when we finish all of this today we are able to go home so if we finish it now then we could go home to Y/N"sera told me then I quickly looked up then I looked at eve then eve nodded and then I joined in hopping I can get this day over with and head back home and then akali said.

"Don't worry ahri we will get back soon and see Y/N again so lighten up soon ok and we can head home"akali told me and I nodded and then we all walked towards the elevator and then got our way down to the first floor and we got outside got in the car then drove our way to the meeting and after sitting in the car for 10 minutes we got to the location and after getting out off the car and walking towards the back room and then getting in the main room we all got to our seats and then after sitting down and then getting comfortable the fans then were let into the room while we sat on stage and started to talk to each other before the QnA can begin then after talking and waiting for 10 minutes eve gets up with a microphone and says.

"hello darlings we are here on our final day here so what question do you have"after eve said that then after eve sat down one fan raised their hands and after eve picked him he said.

"I wanted to ask do any you girls have a shrine of your boyfriend"he asked then I looked unfazed looked at eve and then I grabbed the microphone and said.

"Yeah eve want to talk about it"I said while looking towards eve she looks at me and then said.

"I don't know what your talking about"eve said then as the situation died down I look back over to the crowd of people then as I see some people with their hands up I choose a female then she said.

"What do you girls do with your boyfriend when you are all bored"she asked a interesting question we all look at each other then I was the first to say.

"Well I just lay on him sometimes but in other times I sleep on him cause he comfy"I said then after words akali said.

"Well I just go into his room and look for things in his room"akali said we all look at her she looks back at us and says afterwords.

"It was one time ok it only happened once and then you all look surprised at me"akali said while crossing her arms then after words eve said.

"Well I like to just hang around him and having fun with him"eve said then after words kai said.

"I just talk to him some times and other times I sleep on him"kai said then lastly sera says.

"I really don't know what I do but he and I really just talk"sera said then we looked over back into the crowd then I looked back into the crowd and I pick another fan and then he said.

"So how many times have you stolen things from your boyfriend"he asked we all look at each other and after 2 minutes they look at me then I say.

"I only stole 2 shirts"I say they all cross their arms and then they shook their heads no then I say after words.

"Fine I stole over 30 shirts pants and underwear ok is that better"I say then I cross my arms then eve says.

"I stole 12 shirts and pants and may have stole more"eve said then I say after words.

"You have a shrine of him don't you have his toothbrush"I say then eve crossed her arms then looked away then akali said.

"I stole only 6 shirts and hoodies"akali says then kai said.

"I took 3 shirts and a hoodie"kai said then sera said.

"I took only a shirt and hoodie"sera said then after words after an hour of questions asked and many question answered the people got up and all left then after words we all got up and then after words then I said.

"well if we are done then we should start packing up then start heading home then"as we all left I had a bright idea and told the girls.

"We should surprise him when we get back right girls it will be fun seeing his reaction"I said they look at me then look back at each other and then eve said.

"That will be fun then"eve said and the others agreed then we got back a the hotel and we started to pack up and after finishing we got to our jet after half an hour we got on it then we got in the jet got comfortable then the plane started to take off.

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