Chapter 12

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(Ahri pov)

As we wait for the news of Y/N as I walk back in forth for what he did for us Seraphine was sitting scared evelynn was looking at a picture of Y/N akali was looking at the knife he thre towards her and kaisa was just looking scared as Seraphine and then the doctor came out and we all got up looked at him and he said.

"He has been stabilized he will be fine he should wake up in about 20 minutes and the internal systems are fine but the knifed lodged will take some time to heal so make sure he doesn't hurt himself"he said while we look at him and nodded and then he left and we had sighs of relief and then akali said.

"He killed a masked figure the took 3 stab wounds got punched kicked and then dropped down to the ground bleeding for us and he was determined to protect us"she said while nearly crying I held her saying.

"It alright he was doing his job as our bodyguard and as our boyfriend he wouldn't want us to look hurt so he did it for us"I said while the others started to cry then akali hugged me and cried we all joined the hug and the doctor came back we broke the hug and he said.

"With those injuries he can't do much for about 2 weeks but after doing more test we found out his body is healing itself so it should fully heal in a day or two so you guy need to take care of him until then"he said then we all nodded looked at the time and said.

"Well it been 20 minutes he should be awake you girls want to see him we all replied to him saying.

"Yes please he did all of this for us"we all said he let us in and we could see Y/N body wrapped in bandages and he looked over to us and then we walked towards him and he said.

"Hey girls you doing ok"he said weakly then we all walked around him we all held his hands and just about when he was going to speak I put my finger over his mouth and said.

"You done enough of us just rest while we take care of you"I told him crouching down to him and kissed his cheeks and he was reluctant at first but with all of us holding his hand he gave in and the doctor told us.

"He should be ready to leave soon but I will leave you girls with him"as he leaves and shuts the door I just lay my head down next to him while sitting In a chair and evelynn just hold his left hand close to her while akali just started to pat his head and kaisa and sera just held his right hand then he looked at all of us and smiled then he said.

"I didn't think I would be loved this much"he said while we just smiled then I told him.

"We love you alright and after what you did for us how could we possibly forgot you"I told him and then we all came closer to Y/N and then after that the doctor and then he said.

"He should be ready to leave and the bill been paid you are free to go"the doctor said and I slowly start picking him up and then got on his right and started carrying him and we started to slowly to walk out the door of his room and then walking to the car to go home after reaching it we placed Y/N gently in the car then we all got in the car and then we started to drive home I was sitting in the front and kaisa and akali started to talk and seraphine laid on Y/N shoulder and then eve asked me.

"You think Y/N is going to get hurt more protecting us"she said while looking at the road and then I told her.

"If this going to happen more than he would end up sacrificing his own life ensuring we don't get hurt that much and that would be his job"I told her and then after that I got tapped on the shoulder by kaisa and then she said.

"If that the case how about we ensure his own protection as well"she said and then after evelynn reached the garage she turned off the car and looked at all of us and then we all grouped up leaving a sleeping Y/N there while we all grouped up and then evelynn said.

"Then how about the 5 of us make a pack to ensure Y/N won't get into harm without us helping him"she asked while we looked at each other we held our hands in the middle in the middle than raised our hands and then we heard Y/N started to wake up we all got out and then slowly walked to the elevator and went to our floor and after arriving we placed down on the couch to sleep then we all left him there except akali to change and after we all changed we see her chilling with Y/N on her boobs and the rest of his body on her and then she saw us and then she started to laugh and then eve said.

"What exactly are you doing with Y/N akali"she said while crossing her arms then she started to laugh and then she said.

"I don't the couch was comfortable for Y/N so I found a better spot for him"she said while eve started to walk to her grabbed Y/N slowly and akali looked down on the floor and said.

"Well you can change now and ill be sitting here watching tv if you need me"she said while placing Y/N on her boobs and then I looked in jealousy and then kaisa went to the kitchen to make food for us and I sat down on the couch and then afterwords akali came out sat back down on the couch and then seraphine came out and sat down in the kitchen watching the movie with us and then after basically watching a movie kaisa called out to the living room to eat and evelynn left Y/N sleeping on the couch and we ate after 10 minutes of eating talking and laughing we heard a strange noise on the couch and we see Y/N woke up and before he could get up akali very quickly got him up and then she walked over to us and placed him in her seat and he said.

"How long have I been sleeping"he said then I looked at the time to see it is 8:00 pm and then told him.

"You have been sleeping for about an hour after you feel asleep in the car ride home"I told him then heard his stomach growling we laughed then kaisa got him a bowl and then he started to eat and then we all sat there laughing and eating then he asked.

"So what did you girls after I fell asleep in the car"he said we all looked at each other looked back to him and I said.

"Well you could just say that we make a promise that we would help you in situation where you protect us and we protect you"I told him he looked at us then started to talk then seraphine cut him off and then kissed his lips and then after she did that I got up and kissed his lips so did everyone else and he couldn't handle it and fainted but I caught him then moved him to the couch and said.

"I think we may have overloaded him"I said then I look over to the girls and they were laughing and then after we checked the time to see it was 9:00 pm we all sat down just to watch some videos and after watching so many videos and laughing and time going by we all got up and then we all headed to our rooms and akali was going to bring Y/N back to his room and after that I closed my door and fell asleep.

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