Ava Needs A Break

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     "Okay how did you finish all your school work already!" Carlos screamed out as he looked at Evie who was sitting on Ava's bed holding the small toddler close to her while they were watching Dragon Tales again as Mal had no energy to do anything else.

It had been about a week since they had been discharged from the hospital and in that time Evie's adoption had gotten approved meaning she was officially living with them all and had quickly become one of Mal's favorites. Carlos had also finally given up on his idea of still going to Auradon Prep as he wanted to be close to his baby sister to be there for her.

Carlos was now going to the same school as Evie and Carlos was struggling with the transfer of schools. He wasn't used to how they did things and he was starting to really miss his old school.

Evie just laughed a little as she continued to rub her fingers through Mal's thinning hair making Ava groan a little as she had been telling Evie over and over again to not do that as it was better to not mess with her hair as much, but Mal felt comfort from it, so Evie kept doing it.

"Because I don't procrastinate! Unlike someone!" Evie playfully told her brother, making Carlos roll his eyes as he looked up from his project. "Hey I have an excuse!" Carlos screamed out causing Ava to lose it as she put her textbook down as she was getting sick of Carlos trying to use Mal's cancer as an excuse for everything.

She was struggling trying to make things work and here Carlos was using it as an excuse to get out of things and Ava knew Carlos wasn't trying to be insensitive, but it was just hard because she was struggling trying to provide for them all and pay for treatment while constantly monitoring Mal.

Ava couldn't risk anything as Mal could go from happy and healthy to basically dying in the matter of seconds right now. Ava just quickly looked at her brother in frustration as she pointed to the struggling toddler on the bed who was barely even awake as she was just feeling exhausted and sick.

"You are not using the cancer card!" Ava screamed out in frustration making Carlos sigh as he really was struggling in school. It was hard for him to concentrate knowing his sister could be dying, but he didn't want people to see that.

Ava was going through a lot and the last thing she needed was another struggling kid and Carlos was pretty good with holding in his emotions. "But it's true!" Carlos screamed out making Ava get more frustrated.

"I know it's true! But you're not using it!" Ava screamed out as she was just way too stressed and tired as she hadn't been able to relax let alone sleep for weeks after finding out about Mal having cancer.

Carlos just looked over as he got a small glimpse of his struggling baby sister and he quickly held back tears not wanting to look like he was struggling as he quickly put his act back on as he pretended to just care about not doing work when that was far from the truth.

"But I'm gonna fail this project!" Carlos screamed out, keeping up his act. Ava, still not able to see through Carlos' act just got more upset as she pointed to Evie who had completed all her work as Evie was a model student and had always been.

"That's on you! Evie managed to get hers completed!" Ava screamed out making Evie smile proudly about herself as she couldn't help it. She loved showing off it was just who she was. "Not just completed I got my grade already! I got a 100! Take that! I'm so getting into this school!" Evie screamed out excitedly as she was always working hard on her school work and just wanted to get into BHU so much.

Carlos just sighed as he looked at his sister. He loved Evie, but he could tell that Evie was just a better kid than he was and it was obvious that Ava was starting to prefer her over him. It was making him a little jealous even though he would never admit it.

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