Another Health Scare For Mal

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Author's Note: Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates and happy holidays. I know this is a sad story and not really something you would expect on Christmas, but I finished this chapter today and didn't feel like waiting to post it. I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you thought. And again Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🎄🎁
Once Ava left she went to the student union and sat down in one of the chairs as she pulled out her flask which was loaded with alcohol. Ava knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help it. The alcohol numbed the pain and right now she needed it more than ever.
Ava had no clue what she was doing, but she couldn't believe how much her life had taken a turn. It all happened once Mal was born not that Ava was blaming her baby sister. She would never do that.
She loves Mal and she couldn't imagine a life without her adorable little sister, but the truth was everything started to go down hill once she was born. It wasn't Mal's fault, but it was partially true.
Ava was interrupted when her friends Caitlin and Dylan happened to be passing by as they were there to get some food and they had immediately noticed Ava looking horrible while she was sobbing and chugging down drinks.
The two friends didn't even hesitate as they quickly ran over to their clearly broken friend wanting to help her. "Ava! Are you okay!" Caitlin screamed out as she quickly got to Ava and tried to hug her, making Ava roll her eyes as she pushed Caitlin away not wanting anymore pity as she was sick of it.
Everyone was treating her differently lately as they all felt bad for Ava and she couldn't take it anymore. She was struggling and she didn't even feel like herself anymore. Ava just looked at Caitlin as she scoffed as she couldn't believe Caitlin had the audacity to ask her something like that when it was obvious Ava was not okay.
Ava would never be okay as she was going to have to deal with this for years and that's if Mal's body responds well to treatment.
  "Yeah no I'm doing great! My two year old has cancer, I have no job, oh and I now have another family member that I have to raise! But yeah no I'm totally okay and not struggling at all!" Ava screamed out as she chugged her drink again she was sick of it all.
If people were going to ask her that same question every 5 minutes then they were going to get the real answer because she was sick of lying. Caitlin just gave her friend a sympathetic look as she tried to hug her again hating seeing her friend like that.
  "Ava I told you we can help!" Caitlin told Ava as she just wanted Ava to know that she wasn't alone, but Ava didn't care as she pushed Caitlin away again and started to drink again. "I don't need your pity!" Ava screamed out as she chugged more of her flask making Caitlin and Dylan get concerned as they could see Ava was drinking too much.
Caitlin just quickly grabbed Ava's flask trying to stop her from over drinking. "Ava you need to stop this!" Caitlin screamed out, but Ava just rolled her eyes as she ripped the flask away from Caitlin.
"Why should I stop! Maybe it will kill me and end my suffering!" Ava screamed out as she was seriously starting to to question everything as it was just too much. Dylan and Caitlin both just looked at their friend in shock and concern as they couldn't believe she would dare to say something like that.
"Ava don't talk like that!" Dylan screamed out as he couldn't believe she had just said that. Ava just rolled her eyes again as she looked at her friends.

"Why not! It's true!" Ava screamed out as she put the flask to her mouth and chugged the entire flask making Caitlin and Dylan look at her in shock again.
   "AVA!"  Dylan and Caitlin screamed out at the same time as they quickly ran back over to her and tried to help her as they were pretty sure she had just over drank. Ava just looked at her concerned friends as she rolled her eyes yet again getting sick of everyone's fake concern for her.
"I'm fine! Just go!" Ava screamed out as she pushed her friends away yet again and stood up as she had tried to just get away from everything, but her friends just wouldn't leave her alone.
  "No Ava we are worried about you and we want to help! And no more of this! How much have you drank!" Caitlin screamed out as she grabbed Ava's flask away when she saw Ava starting to fill it back up again.
Ava just shrugged as she grabbed her flask back and started to fill it back up again as she honestly didn't care about anything at this point and she was too drunk to really process stuff.
     "I don't know and I don't care!" Ava told Caitlin with no emotion making Caitlin lose it as she grabbed the flask yet again this time closing it up and shoving it in her bag, so Ava couldn't get it anymore as she was extremely worried about her friend who was struggling to stay up.
   "Ava too much alcohol can kill you! Sit down before you hurt yourself!" Caitlin screamed out as she quickly looked at Ava and saw her eyes were glossy and she was swaying as it was obvious she was about to pass out. 
Ava just rolled her eyes again as she tried to walk away, but immediately started getting Dizzy even though she tried to ignore it as she wouldn't admit that her friends were right as she didn't want to admit it.
"Stop overreacting! I'm..." Ava began, but she couldn't finish as her dizziness got worse and she started to see black as she couldn't fight it off anymore and she collapsed into the darkness.
Caitlin and Dylan just watched in shock as they quickly snapped out of it and ran over to their friend as they started to panic. "AVA!" Caitlin and Dylan screamed out as they tried to wake Ava up, but she was completely out of it.
   "Come on Ava! Get up!" Caitlin and Dylan screamed out as they continued to try and wake their friend in panic. They began to panic more when Ava's phone rang and they saw it was Alison calling as they knew that couldn't be a good thing.
Dylan just quickly picked up the phone while Caitlin continued to try and get Ava up who was starting to come to a little. "Hello?" Dylan asked right away making Alison confused as she had called Ava, but Dylan had picked up anyway causing her to worry as she really needed to talk to Ava.
   "Dylan why do you have Ava's phone?" Alison screamed out in panic, making Dylan look over to see Ava still passed out. "It's complicated what's going on!" Dylan asked Alison in panic as he could tell Alison was freaking which was really worrying him as Alison was usually very chill.
Alison just sighed as she spoke again. "It's about Mal!" Alison told Dylan in panic, making him freeze up as he knew whatever was going on wasn't good as Alison was freaking out and she wanted to speak to Ava right away.
"What about Mal! Is she okay!" Dylan quickly screamed out over the phone in panic as he started to worry about the small girl. Alison just ignored his questions as she didn't want to waste time with small talk and she just wanted to speak to Ava.
  "Where's Ava!" Alison screamed out making Dylan sigh as he was worried. "I told you it's complicated! Is she okay!" Dylan screamed out again as he just wanted to know if the toddler was okay, but Alison was just ignoring his questions as she really just needed to speak to Ava.
"I need Ava! Please just get Ava!" Alison told Dylan as she was panicking and didn't know what to do getting the attention of Caitlin who was still trying to help Ava. "What's going on!" Caitlin asked Dylan in concern, making him sigh as he didn't know what was wrong, but he knew they needed Ava to get up.
  "Alison needs to talk to Ava! Something is wrong with Mal!" Dylan told Caitlin in panic, making her eyes widen in complete panic as she started to violently shake Ava not wanting to waste anymore time.
   "Oh god! AVA! '' Caitlin screamed out hysterically as she continued to violently shake Ava, making Ava groan as she woke up and immediately grabbed her head in pain as she had a massive headache.
  "Ugh what happened!" Ava groaned out as she continued to hold her head in pain. Caitlin didn't waste any time as she shoved the phone at Ava as she was getting sick of Ava's drinking and she didn't feel any sympathy for Ava right now as she had done that to herself by drinking even when they tried to stop her.
     "You passed out from drinking too much again and Alison needs to talk to you now!" Caitlin screamed out making Ava immediately push away all her confused and dizziness as she grabbed the phone in panic.
   "WHAT! What's going on!" Ava screamed out in panic as soon as she had the phone in her hand making Alison sigh as she looked back to see Evie holding the sobbing toddler as she had a cold rag on the toddler's forehead trying to bring the girl's temperature down as she had learned that trick from volunteering while Carlos was panicking as he didn't know what to do.
    "Mal spiked a fever! And she can't stop throwing up!" Alison screamed out in panic making Ava fill with panic as she quickly got up. "ARE YOU SERIOUS!" Ava screamed out in panic making Alison start crying as she didn't know what to do.
  "Yes! Ava I don't know what to do!" Alison screamed out again making Ava quickly panic as she pushed past Caitlin and Dylan ignoring all their questions as she was only focused on getting home to Mal.
   "Okay I'm on my way now!" Ava screamed out as she went running to her dorm in panic. While Ava was running to the dorm the small toddler was sobbing uncontrollably and shaking in Evie's arms as Evie was trying to help her.
Evie had a lot of experience in that kind of stuff as she was a volunteer at the cancer center and had seen plenty of kids go through what Mal was going through. "Hey it's okay. You're gonna be okay. Don't worry." Evie told the sobbing toddler as she rubbed her back trying to comfort her.
  "Is she gonna die! I can't lose her!" Carlos screamed out in panic as he wasn't used to seeing things like this while Evie just sighed as she hummed a little trying to comfort the toddler who she could tell was freaking out more from Carlos.
    "Carlos she's fine! I promise this is normal okay! Please stop freaking out that freaks her out more and makes it worse!" Evie told Carlos, making him nod as he continued to freak out only silently.

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