A Non Invited Guest

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"Hi, can you tell me what room that little purple haired girl is in?" Lola told the receptionist as soon as she was left alone. "Considering you don't really know her name I'm assuming you don't know who she is," the receptionist told Lola as she didn't have time to deal with strangers trying to get into vulnerable children's rooms.

     Lola just sighed as she tried to think about what that other girl had called the little girl. "Okay um what was that name again. Oh right. Sorry I meant to say what room Mal is in? Sorry she's my cousin. I just haven't really seen her very often. So what room is she in?" Lola lied out as she finally remembered what the little purple haired girl's name was.

        "She's really not allowed many visitors right now, mainly just immediate family," the receptionist told Lola, making Lola upset as she decided to put her acting skills to the test again. "She's my cousin! So I'm not allowed to visit my own cousin now!" Lola cried out, making the receptionist sigh knowing she was going to get in trouble.

          However Lola did look like she was part of that family. "Look normally I wouldn't do this but I can tell you're related somehow because you look identical to all her sisters. She's in room...," the receptionist told Lola, making her smirk as her plan had actually worked.

          "Okay great thanks!" Lola told the receptionist with a sweet smile as she then made her way to the room she was given. Lola was left in complete shock though when she finally found the room and the first thing she saw was the young toddler sleeping curled up on her hospital bed crib while she was hooked up to wires and machines making Lola feel uneasy.

          "Oh dang that's a lot of wires," Lola said out loud as she was trying to take in everything she was seeing. She wasn't expecting the room to look like this and it was making her sad. "What are you doing!" April exclaimed as she couldn't believe the stranger girl would just come into a hospital room without invitation and put a toddler at risk.

           "I want more information and also I wanted to visit the kid. I feel bad. How is she doing?" Lola asked, making April sigh as she wanted to get mad and kick Lola out but something inside her just wasn't letting her. "She has a blood infection," April told Lola as she tried to act calm but she was holding back tears.

           "She has a blood infection but she has blood cancer right," Lola asked in concern, making April just nod as she choked back more tears. "I'm aware of that!" April told Lola who just looked at the toddler.

            "Is she going to be okay?" Lola asked as she was scared. She didn't want anything bad to happen to the adorable little toddler. "Look I really don't know right now and I don't really like the fact that I have a stranger in here right now," April screamed out as she continued to just hold back her tears.

            "Okay but first of all you literally told me to get a DNA test and that my parents might be lying to me and then just left. Who does that to someone?" Lola told April making April close her eyes as she massaged her forehead.

             "Okay I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. I'm just stressed out and worried and I took it out on a random stranger. I'm sorry," April told Lola as she just wanted this day to end or for Ava to take over again.

             This was stressful and she just didn't get how Ava managed to do it. "No but I was thinking about it. And honestly I think you might be right. I look nothing like my parents. They never really treated me that well. I literally look identical to you. And my parents never let me see my birth certificate.  Not to mention I can't stop getting like a weird feeling when I'm around you two. It's like a sisterly connection. Honestly I can't explain it but it's there," Lola rambled out making April just nod even though she wasn't even really listening.

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