Twins Or Not?

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Carlos sighs as he enters the cancer center the next day to come see his baby sister. He was so distracted that he didn't see the girl that wasn't paying attention either causing them both to run into each other and knocking them both down.

     Carlos gasped as he looked at Evie. "Oh my gosh are you okay!" Carlos asked Evie as he felt bad for knocking into her. Evie just laughed as she got up and helped Carlos up as well. "Yeah I'm fine and I'm so sorry! It was my fault! I'm such a klutz! Hey I've never seen you here before are you new?" Evie rambled out again making Carlos laugh a little bit.

     "Sort of I'm here for my baby sister," Carlos told Evie, making her gasp in realization as she realized who Carlos was. "Wait are you Carlos!" Evie screamed out making him look at her a little weirded out that he just met this girl and she knew who he was.

      "Um... yeah... um... how did you know?" Carlos asked as he was starting to become freaked out. Evie just gasped as she realized she sounded like a creep.

      "Oh I'm sorry I sound creepy don't I! I promise I'm not a creep! I ran into your sisters earlier and her friend and her friend mentioned you!" Evie told Carlos as she didn't want him to think she was some crazy stalker.

      Carlos just laughed as he looked at Evie. "Yeah I get it and you look so much like my big sister! I just noticed that! What's your name?" Carlos asked Evie, making her laugh. "Oh I'm Evie!" Evie told Carlos as she held out her hand and he shook it.

       "Cool! How old are you?" Carlos asked Evie, making her laugh. "14 almost 15 though! I turn 15 next week!" Evie told Carlos, making him smile. "Oh wow! I turn 15 next week too!" Carlos screamed out making Evie laugh.

         "Really! What day!" Evie asked Carlos, making him groan. "Monday ugh!" Carlos told Evie, making her laugh. "Me too!" Evie told Carlos excitedly.

          "Really! That's cool we have the same birthday!" Carlos screamed out excitedly making Evie laugh excitedly as well. "Yeah we do!" Evie told Carlos, making him smile, but he quickly got sad as he remembered where they were.

          "So um... what brings you to this cancer center?" Carlos asked Evie as he started to worry that she had cancer too. He didn't want Evie to have cancer. Evie just smiled when she could tell what Carlos was getting at.

          "Oh I'm not a patient! I'm a volunteer!" Evie told Carlos, making him sigh in relief. "Oh okay good!" Carlos told Evie, making her laugh a little bit before getting sad as she remembered why he was there.

          "Yeah and I'm really sorry about your sister," Evie told Carlos who just nodded. "Thanks for that and she's a fighter. I believe she can fight this!" Carlos told Evie making her nod as she started feeling sad.

           "Yeah I do too! It's so tragic how these things happen to children who are just so young! I mean it's tragic for anyone but with children it's just," Evie began to say, but Carlos cut her off.

           "Yeah I know what you mean. It sucks! I hate this! But I just gotta be strong and I can't give up! I know my sister and I know she can handle this! Anyway I should go see her. It was nice talking to you Evie and I still can't get over how much you look like Ava!" Carlos told Evie, making her laugh a little.

            "Yeah I know what you mean! And yeah it's insane I thought that too! And I find it even more insane that we have the exact same birthday and are exactly the same age!" Evie told Carlos, making him laugh.

             "Yeah I know! It's like we're long lost twins or something!" Carlos jokingly told Evie, making her laugh. "Oh my gosh can you imagine though!" Evie jokingly told Carlos back, making them both share a look as they started laughing.

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