The Start Of Drama

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    "Ugh come on Mal! It's late!" Ava screamed out when the toddler was refusing to go to bed. The small girl just giggled as she looked at Ava. "No!" The small girl cried out making Ava sigh as she was exhausted.

"Mal please! I have a huge project that I have to work on tomorrow!" Ava told the toddler who still was refusing to sleep. "No!" The young girl screamed out again making Ava sigh as she was desperate now.

"What if I get you a new toy tomorrow after classes?" Ava asked the toddler hoping that would work as it worked last time. Mal just looked Ava as she debated it, but decided she didn't want that as she wanted her bottle back.

"No!" The small girl screamed out making Ava groan as Mal always took the toy bribe, but wasn't now. "Did you just turn down a toy!" Ava asked the girl in shock, making her nod. "I wan baba!" The small two year old cried out as she wasn't feeling that well and wanted her comfort item.

Ava just sighed as she had just managed to get Mal completely off the bottle and now she was crying and asking for it back. "You want your bottle back!" Ava asked the toddler in shock making the small girl nod again.

"Ya! Baba!" The small girl cried out making Ava groan. "Mal we just got you off the bottle! Remember you said you liked your sippy cup!" Ava told the toddler not wanting to go backwards with Mal's progress.

It didn't work though as Mal just wanted her bottle back. "Baba!" The young two year old cried out again making Ava sigh again as she didn't want to give in. "Mal please!" Ava begged out, but the toddler just continued to cry.

"Baba! Baba! Baba!" Mal cried out as she wanted her bottle to soothe her as she wasn't feeling that good. Ava just groaned as she saw the time and knew this conversation wasn't going anywhere.

"You know what fine I don't care anymore!" Ava screamed out as she went to where she was keeping Mal's bottles as she pulled one out immediately causing the two year old to stop crying.

"Yay! Baba!" The small girl cried out making Ava sigh as she took the bottle and filled it up with strawberry milk. "Here but when you get older and still drink out of a bottle and people wonder why you still use a bottle that's on you," Ava told the toddler somewhat jokingly as she handed her the baby bottle.

Mal just smiled as she grabbed the bottle and started to drink from it. "Yay! Baba! Mama?" The small girl cried out making Ava groan again as she just wanted to sleep. "Yeah Mal," Ava asked the toddler, not really paying much attention to what she was saying.

"Cawos in twabow?" The small girl asked Ava making her laugh as she picked up the toddler and placed her in her crib. "Yes he is," Ava playfully told the toddler back, making her laugh. "Why," the small girl asked her big sister, making Ava sigh.

"Because Carlos is too distracted by his crush and keeps failing all his tests and quizzes in school," Ava told the toddler who nodded still not understanding. "Oh! Mama!" The small girl screamed out again making Ava groan again as she just wanted to sleep.

"Yeah Mal," Ava asked the toddler, making the small girl look at her. "Id it Ane?" The small girl asked Ava innocently, making Ava laugh. "Is it Jane?" Ava playfully asked the toddler playing along with her.

"Ya! Id it!" Mal asked Ava making her laugh again as she kissed Mal on the forehead. "What do you think," Ava playfully asked the toddler, making her giggle again. "Ya!" the small girl told Ava, making her laugh again.

"You think Carlos has a crush on Jane?" Ava asked the toddler again making Mal nod. Ava just laughed yet again as she found it adorable how Mal was so invested like she was.

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