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    "Alright Mal come on wake up we're here," Evie told the toddler once they had reached the cancer center as she carefully shook Mal to wake her up. The small toddler just stirred as

"Wew we go," the small toddler asked her big sister when she had started to stir and woke up to find herself sitting in a car with Evie. Evie just sighed as she knew Mal was going to freak out if she found out where they were.

"Mal I know you hate it here, but you have to go back," Evie told her baby sister in her gentle voice hoping to stop Mal from throwing a tantrum, but unfortunately that didn't work as Mal started screaming and thrashing as soon as she realized what Evie was talking about.

"NO! NO! NO! I NO GO! I NO GO! EBIE NO MA ME! PWEASE NO MA ME" The small girl cried out at the top of her lungs causing Evie to wince as she was used to kids screaming like that with her volunteering at the cancer center and because this wasn't the first time Mal had a tantrum like this.

April just looked at Evie and the screaming toddler in concern as she didn't know what to do but she hated seeing this small girl screaming like that.

This was not just a regular tantrum that kids threw to get their way this was clearly a traumatized scream and desperate cry of pain. She had never heard a kid scream like this before and it was terrifying her.

Evie noticing April's concerned face just sighed as she picked up Mal who was still kicking and screaming hysterically. "I know this looks bad, but it's normal I promise. She throws a fit like this during every treatment day. It's the worst feeling in the world, but unfortunately she has to go and this is unfortunately becoming normal. Anyway I should get her back to her room. Thank you so much Miss April for driving us bye," Evie told April as she got out of the car with the kicking and screaming toddler and tried to leave, but she was pulled back by April who wanted to talk with Evie's guardian.

"Not so fast I'll walk with you," April told Evie who really didn't want to keep entertaining her teacher especially because she didn't know April that well. "Oh um that's okay. I can handle it by myself," Evie told April who rolled her eyes as she got out of the car.

April didn't like the situation that Evie and her family was in and she wanted to make sure Evie and her sister were safe. Plus she wanted to talk with Ava about how she treats them all because she didn't think it was right for Ava to be drinking all the time and leaving all the responsibilities on a child who was clearly struggling.

"Oh you thought I was offering. No I'm not offering I'm telling you. Come on," April told Evie who just sighed as she bounced the screaming toddler as she knew she wasn't in the mood to be arguing anymore as her teacher was stubborn she had seen her be and she knew this would be an unending cycle and Evie was too exhausted at this point.

Evie was constantly doing everything for everyone and rarely ever getting any free time to just relax anymore, but she knew that no one in their family was at this point, but Evie was extra busy.

She was the one having to help her brother in school, help calm Mal and comfort her all the time, try and stop Ava drinking, work on her business all while still going to school. It was just too much at this point, but Evie would never admit that to her family.

She was the glue holding them all together at this point. They needed her, so it didn't matter anyway. "Okay fine come on," Evie told April as she walked towards the entrance leading April with her.

"Evie oh you found her this is why you were our best volunteer," the receptionist jokingly told Evie when she saw Evie come back in with Mal who had given up on kicking and screaming as she had tired herself out but she was still crying as she didn't want to be there at all.

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