More Family=More Support

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      "Ava I can explain," Ava's dad began but April shook her head no again as she looked at her dad. "That's not what I asked!" Ava called out, making her dad sigh as he nodded.

"Yeah it's April I'm guessing you met her," Ava's dad told her, making Ava completely lose it as she was about to go off when Evie stood up not being able to just sit by and let Ava do all the talking.

"She's my dance teacher! My dance teacher is my secret sister!" Evie cried out in shock making her dad feel guilty as he tried to explain himself again.

"I'm sorry we couldn't handle two babies at the same time. We were struggling so we asked my father in law and mother in law to take in our other baby and they agreed but completely cut contact with us after that," Ava's dad told the others as he didn't know that April was there as well and could hear everything he was saying.

"SO MY DAD IS MY GRANDPA!" April exclaimed as she was trying to not get involved but she couldn't just ignore what her apparent dad said. "April!" The dead beat dad screamed out in shock as he had been too distracted to have noticed that April was standing right in that very room.

Ava just nodded as she stood by April and put her arm around her and Evie and Carlos joined. "That's right we're all here and reunited now you need to go! We don't need you anymore and you're just making things worse!" Ava told her dad, making him look at the siblings who were all standing together to show they were all united.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that things had to turn out like this," the father told his children who just shook their heads as they didn't want to see him anymore. "Just go before Dana comes back, she's the head of security at BHU which is only a few minutes from here and she will arrest you if she finds you!" Ava told her father as she pushed him out the door.

Once their dad left April just sat down on the couch as she looked at Ava. "I guess we're siblings," April told Ava who just sighed as she sat down by April and nodded. "Yeah I guess we are. I can't believe they did this to us again," Ava told April as she just got up and sat down by Mal to check up on her, causing April to get up as well.

"I should probably go now. I guess we can talk more about this later. I don't want to intrude," April told Ava and the others as she felt weird being in the hospital room for a child she barely even knew that was apparently her sister.

"Nonsense your family now! You deserve to be here as well. Plus I think you should get to know Mal," Evie told April as she knew what it felt like to feel like an outsider with her own family and she wanted April to feel like she belonged. April just smiled a little as she sat back down and just enjoyed her time getting to know her family.

"No few goo!" Mal cried out a few days later once she was back home from the hospital and while Carlos and Evie were just working on homework making April not even hesitate as she quickly ran to the toddler in panic as unlike Ava, Evie, and Carlos she still wasn't too used to seeing the young girl like this and it was scaring her.

"Oh my god! Is she okay! Should we do something?" April began but Evie just placed the back of her hand to Mal's forehead then shook her head no as she could feel no fever.

"No, she's not running a fever. It's just a side effect that happened last time and they said it was normal as long as she's not spiking a fever," Evie told April as she knew that watching Mal like this was hard, but they couldn't really do anything other than try to manage her pain as long as Mal wasn't showing any serious signs of problems and wasn't running a fever then everything was fine.

April just looked at Evie in complete shock as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "This is normal?" April asked in shock as she was just finding it so hard to wrap her brain around the fact that something like this was just completely normal.

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