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   Ava sighed as she continued to just sit on the floor and down drinks with the toddler sitting next to her. "Mama?" The small girl asked Ava after a few hours of just watching Ava drink and cry.

Ava just sighed as she looked at the small girl. "Yeah Mal?" Ava asked the toddler as she was still upset and didn't feel like doing anything. She was honestly relieved that Mal wasn't as hyper and energetic as she normally was.

Ava thought it was a little concerning, but figured Mal was just tired from always staying up so late and it was just her body catching up on sleep. The small girl just looked at Ava. "Why Cawos ma?" The small girl asked Ava who just sighed again as she didn't like talking about this with the small toddler.

"Because he's upset that he's getting in trouble," Ava quickly told the toddler hoping she would accept that answer and drop it, but it did the opposite as the toddler became more curious. "Why?" Mal asked Ava who sighed again.

"Because he's failing his classes and because he doesn't like getting in trouble," Ava told the toddler who nodded. "Oh otay! Mama!" The small girl screamed out as she remembered another thing she was confused about.

"Yeah Mal," Ava asked the toddler again as she was starting to get frustrated. "Why Cawos sa you no mama!" The small girl asked Ava who just downed another drink as she looked at the toddler again.

"Because it's complicated Mal. Just like how I told you it's complicated with our dad," Ava told the toddler just wanting her to stop asking those questions. "Oh!" The small girl screamed out as she was about to ask another question, but Ava had enough.

She was already feeling very uncomfortable with the conversation and just wanted it to end already. "Mal let's change the subject," Ava told the toddler, making the small girl smile a little bit as she held up her bottle to Ava.

"Otay! Ca I hab sowa!" The small girl asked Ava who just looked at her. "You want soda?" Ava asked the toddler as she was debating whether she should do it or not. Mal just giggled as she held up the bottle again and nodded. "Ya!" The small two year old screamed out making Ava sigh as she gave in.

"Alright!" Ava told the toddler as she picked up the bottle from Mal and filled it up with soda as she handed it back to the small girl. "Yay!" The small two year old screamed out excitedly as she took the baby bottle and started drinking it.

Ava just sighed as she filled up her red solo cup with more alcohol and began to drink some more. She stopped though when she looked at the time as she realized it was dinner time.

"Mal come on let's go! It's dinner time," Ava told the toddler who just shook her head no as her stomach was starting to hurt and she didn't want to eat anything. "No!" The small girl screamed out making Ava roll her eyes as she picked up the toddler.

"We have to now come on, we're just going to the Student Union really quickly," Ava told the toddler who stopped crying as she laid her head down on Ava again while sucking on her bottle.

Ava sighed as she had made the mistake of putting Mal down and the toddler began to walk ahead of her once they reached the Student Union. "Mal please stay with me!" Ava screamed out while the toddler continued to run ahead.

"No wanna!" The small girl screamed out as she kept running ahead. Ava just groaned as she kept trying to catch up to the toddler. "Mal come on please stop running ahead!" Ava screamed out making the small girl giggle as she kept running ahead.

Not watching where she was going as she accidentally ran into Caitlin causing her to fall down as she immediately started screaming in pain as she immediately started getting some new bruises.

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