Feeding Tubes And Tears

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    The doctor just sighed as she looked at Lola who had been sleeping while they had discussed Mal's weight. "Well like I was telling your sisters earlier, we're concerned about her weight as she keeps drastically losing weight and not gaining any at all. It was suggested to have her placed on a feeding tube," the doctor told Lola who looked at her like she was insane.

"Wait so she's just going to eat from a tube now!" Lola asked with a bit of an attitude as she didn't like any of this. April just rolled her eyes as she looked at her slightly younger sister who had no clue what was even going on and was now trying to act like she did.

"Look, trust me none of us are happy with this!" April practically yelled out as Lola was really starting to get on her nerves. "Then why are we doing this?" Lola asked as she began to raise her voice in frustration causing Evie to lose it as she was sick of all this.

"She can't keep anything down! It's either tube feed her or just let her die of starvation at this point! Is that what you want!" Evie cried out causing Lola to back up a little as she held her hands up.

"Dude, chill, no need for that. I was just wondering," Lola told Evie who just rolled her eyes as she was about to continue her ranting when Ava decided enough was enough. "Can we please just stop arguing right now. We're in the middle of an important discussion," Ava told her sisters as she then turned her attention back to the doctor.

"So what are our options at this point?" Ava asked the doctor as she just wanted to get this over with already. The doctor just sighed as she looked over at the sleeping toddler in the hospital crib/bed.

"Well considering our goal is temporary I say we're looking at an NG or NJ tube," The doctor told Ava who just nodded as she honestly had no clue what that meant but didn't want to seem like a non informed parent.

"So um I'm sorry but um what's the difference," Ava asked the doctor as she wanted to know more about her options, but she didn't want to admit how confused she was right now. The doctor just laughed a little as she could tell Ava had no clue what she was talking about, but didn't want to admit it.

"It's okay to be confused, no need to feel bad about it. Well the ng tube is inserted through the nose and goes directly into the stomach and the nj tube is also inserted through the nose but goes down into the small bowl," the doctor told Ava and the others causing April to step in as she wanted to be involved as well.

"Well which one do you suggest at this point?" April asked the doctor. "Well I would say ..." the doctor began but was interrupted by the young blue haired teen who couldn't help herself.

"NG!" Evie practically screamed out causing Ava to sigh as she loved how much Evie wanted to help, but Evie was interrupting the doctor. "Evie, will you let the doctor speak please," Ava told Evie as she tried her best to stay calm and not go off the younger girl.

"I'm just saying the NG is easier to manage and she can still eat or drink when she wants to," Evie told the others as she was getting sick of being ignored just because she was younger than the others. Evie had been volunteering there for almost a year before she stopped. She had seen and heard everything there was to know about this stuff.

"I'm with Evie then," Lola told the others as she had to admit that she trusted Evie and it was obvious that the younger girl knew what she was talking about. Evie just smiled as she stood by Lola.

"Finally someone that listens to me!" Evie said out loud making Lola laugh as she found her little sister to be adorable. "Well of course," Lola playfully told Evie as she hugged her, making Evie laugh a little before April stepped in again. She knew Evie wanted to help, but she didn't like how much Evie was doing. The poor girl was only 15 and trying to take on the responsibilities of something she shouldn't be at this age.

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