More Sibling Bonding In A Hospital

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Once Ava left to go talk to the social worker Carlos just smiled as he looked at his sleepy baby sister who was just cuddling with her dragon and sucking on her pacifier while watching Dragon Tales on her tablet.

     "Mal are you excited to go home?" Carlos playfully told the toddler as he was excited. He hated staying in the hospital and he wanted his baby sister home with them all. The small toddler just smiled and nodded her head as she couldn't wait to go home.

      She hated the scary hospital with all the scary medicine and doctors that were poking at her and putting scary things on her. "Ya!" Mal screamed out making Carlos and Evie laugh at how adorable Mal was.

      "But you know you still have to take your medicine at home right," Carlos told the toddler as he wanted her to understand that treatment wasn't over as it was literally only the beginning and they still had a long way to go.

       "Yucky!" Mal screamed out, making Evie and Carlos laugh as Evie sat down next to the toddler and picked her up placing her on her lap. "Yeah it is yucky huh. But you know what's even more yucky?" Evie asked the toddler playfully hoping to convince the toddler in a nice way to keep taking the medicine.

        Evie loved kids and that was part of the reason she chose to volunteer at the children's cancer center because she wanted to help young kids that were going through a lot. A lot of the younger patients loved her and she loved getting to make them smile.

        In fact she had met one little girl that she has made a huge impact on. Her name is Dizzy and she technically wasn't supposed to be interacting with the patient much she never followed that rule though.

        Dizzy was a lot like her and Dizzy had become like her own little sister. In fact they still see each other all the time even though Dizzy is no longer in the cancer center as she is in remission and had been for almost a year now.

         Evie always makes sure to visit her and talk to her and she is just so happy that Dizzy is doing well. And she has hope that Mal is going to be like Dizzy and reach remission. Evie was brought out her thoughts by the toddler who wanted to know what Evie was trying to say, but Evie had just stopped talking.

        "Wa! Wa Ebie! Wa mow yucky den yucky mecine!" The small girl screamed out snapping Evie back into focus as she laughed and hugged the toddler close to her. "Oh sorry Mal! Being in this hospital is more yucky right," Evie playfully told the toddler who nodded.

          "Okay well then if you wanna spend as little time here as possible you gotta keep taking that yucky medicine. Deal Mal," Evie playfully told the toddler again making the small girl laugh.

     "Otay Ebie!" The small toddler told Evie, making her laugh again as she bounced the toddler a little bit in her knee, making the two year old giggle.

       Carlos just laughed as he watched Evie play around with Mal as if she had always been in her life. " Wow you're really good with her! It's like you've always been here," Carlos told Evie, making her laugh as she bounced the toddler more.

        I love kids! They're just so adorable! And I've always wanted a little sister or brother. It sucks that she has to go through this," Evie told Carlos sadly making him nod before getting confident again as he wouldn't give up.

       "Yeah but she's gonna be a fighter! Right pup! You're gonna be a fighter against your sickness! And you're gonna kick cancer's butt!" Carlos told the small girl, making her laugh at how funny her big brother was, as she didn't know what he was talking about.

          "Yeah!" Mal screamed out while giggling. She didn't know what Carlos was saying, but she trusted her big brother and he seemed excited about whatever he was talking about. Carlos just laughed as he high fived the toddler and then looked at Evie.

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