What's Wrong With Mal?

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       Ava just looked at the doctor in fear as she was starting to become very concerned. "What's going on! You're scaring me!"

Ava told the doctor, making her sigh as she looked at Ava. "Well we don't know for sure yet, but she is showing some pretty concerning symptoms," the doctor told Ava in her serious voice making Ava fill with more fear.

"Concerning symptoms for what!" Ava screamed out as the doctor was barely giving her any information which was scaring her more. "I was getting to that, but first I have a serious question," the doctor told Ava, making her almost lose it.

"What is it! You're seriously freaking me out!" Ava screamed out as the doctor seemed to be stalling. The doctor just sighed as she looked at Ava. "Has she ever been exposed to anyone that smokes?" The doctor asked Ava catching Ava off guard as she wasn't expecting that question.

As far as she knew that answer should have been no. "Not that I know of!" Ava told the doctor who just nodded as she looked Ava. " I see well she is showing signs of otherwise. And according to her medical charts from before that we had transferred over as well," the doctor told Ava making her feel even more guilty as she had no clue that was happening.

"So you're saying someone was smoking around her!" Ava screamed out as she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had trusted her cousin to watch Mal and Carlos and he ended up exposing her to second hand smoke.

The doctor just sighed as she nodded. "That is correct," the doctor told Ava just confirming another thing that Ava was probably the cause of making her get more worried as she looked at the doctor.

"Well what does that mean for her!" Ava quickly asked the doctor in panic as she remembered learning about how dangerous smoking can be not just for the smoker, but also those are them and especially a developing baby.

The doctor just sighed as she looked at Ava again. "Well her lungs are very weak due to being exposed to secondhand smoke. And I really hate having to say this, however that is not the only thing we are concerned about," the doctor told Ava, making her heart almost stop as this was becoming too much.

"What do you mean! What else are you concerned about!" Ava screamed out in panic making the doctor sigh yet again as she hated delivering bad news especially when the patient was so young.

"We noticed that she is pretty underweight for her age and we can't seem to get her to eat. I hate bringing this up however if we can't get her to eat anything soon we will have to insert a feeding tube," the doctor told Ava making her look at the doctor in shock and disbelief as she couldn't believe she was hearing that.

"Are you serious!" Ava screamed out making the doctor sigh again. "Unfortunately that is the case. She can die if she doesn't start eating soon," the doctor told Ava who just nodded still trying to process everything.

"Can I see her!" Ava asked the doctor after a few seconds of letting her brain try to process it all. The doctor just nodded as she led Ava to Mal's hospital room.

When Ava got there she found the small toddler hooked up to so many IVs and wires and an oxygen tube while happily watching Dragon Tales without a care in the world. Ava just took a deep breath as she tried not to cry seeing the toddler hooked up to so many medical tubes and wires. She then put on a fake smile as she walked over to the toddler.

"Hey there Mal," Ava told the toddler, trying to act like everything was fine and normal, not wanting to freak out the innocent two year old. Mal just smiled as she looked up from her show to see Ava.

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