No More!

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     Ava just sighed as she sat in the same plastic chair of the waiting room with the scent of hand sanitizer and disinfectant again as she couldn't believe she was back at the hospital yet again. Ava was really starting to hate the smell of cleaning supplies as it reminded her of this stupid hospital that she basically lived at now.

Ava didn't get how life could do this to her baby sister. Just a few weeks ago Ava didn't even know where this hospital was located and now it was basically the only place other than school that she went to.

It was honestly crazy to her how fast life could completely change and it really has made her reflect on her life and what she had taken for granted. She had taken her sister for granted too.

She should have paid more attention and time on her instead of focusing on stupid and pointless stuff like the past. She should have been focusing on what she had and not what she had lost.

And she never should have sent Mal and Carlos away. She had missed out on so much that she was too selfish to see. She missed out on all of Mal's firsts and she missed Carlos becoming a teen and his first day of high school.

She had treated them as if they didn't matter because never in a million years did she expect for something like this to happen to her baby sister. She barely knew Mal heck Evie who had just found out about them a week ago was closer with Mal then Ava was.

Ava had failed at her job and now she may never get to make it up to Mal. She had taken Mal for granted because she thought she had all the time in the world with Mal because of how young she was.

And she thought missing a few years wouldn't do much, but she hadn't taken into account that nothing was ever guaranteed in life. Ava's deep life reflection was interrupted when she felt something collide with her head as she heard giggling follow after it.

Ava just looked over to see the toddler who was starting to feel a little better as she was smiling at Ava. "Mama! I aw bewow! Go how," the small toddler told Ava, making Ava sigh as she knew Mal hated the hospital as much as she did, but she also knew that she couldn't just go home without making sure everything was fine first.

"Mal we can't go home yet," Ava told the toddler, making her start crying as she just wanted to go home. "Mama I no wanna be hew!" Mal cried out after they had just finished running a bunch of tests and they were now just sitting in a hospital room waiting on the results.

Ava just sighed as she looked at the crying toddler who was sitting in the crib like hospital bed and hooked up to more wires. Ava really hated seeing Mal like that, but unfortunately it was becoming a normal look.

"I know Mal, but the doctor needs to make sure you're okay," Ava told the toddler as she massaged Mal's tiny hand with her thumb as she knew Mal liked that as it calmed her down. Ava continued to do that until Mal fell asleep.

Ava just sighed as she looked at the sleeping toddler as she hated seeing Mal like this. Just as Ava was starting to relax a little the door opened immediately alerting her as she saw it was the doctor.

"So what's wrong? Did you get the results!" Ava practically screamed out as soon as the doctor opened the door making the doctor laugh a little as she sat down by Ava and pulled out some of the charts and paperwork that she ran.

"Everything seems to be normal. She isn't showing any concerning signs. It could just be some side effects from her starting chemo. We do want to keep her here for a little bit to make sure everything continues to be on track though just in case," the doctor told Ava as she went over all the results from the tests they ran wanting Ava to be informed on everything.

Ava just nodded as she started to relax a little seeing that Mal seemed to be doing well. "Okay, but treatment is working right?" Ava asked the doctor wanting to make sure as she could see all the charts and numbers, but she still didn't understand what half of it meant and she just wanted a simple answer.

The doctor just laughed a little bit as she nodded. "Yes based on the recent scans we just did her cancer cell count has gone down a lot," the doctor told Ava making her sigh in relief as she nodded, taking in the information.

"Thank god!" Ava sighed out in relief making the doctor nod as she knew it was a good thing, but she also knew that this battle was far from over and she didn't want Ava celebrating too early.

"It's definitely a good sign however she's still not in remission which means that we still can't move onto the next step of intensification yet," the doctor told Ava who just nodded still having no clue what any of that meant, but again she just wanted to know if the treatment was working or not.

"Okay but it is working right and nothing bad is happening right!" Ava asked the doctor again as she didn't care about all the complicated medical terms and she just wanted the simple answer of yes or no to if Mal was doing well or not.

The doctor just sighed when she realized Ava wasn't interested in all the information and she just wanted a simple explanation.

"Based on all the tests we ran she's doing pretty well yes, but we do still want to keep her here just to be sure especially with her younger age as her body isn't as developed as the more older children's," the doctor told Ava who just nodded taking in the information as she was just relieved to know Mal was doing well.

"Okay thank you!" Ava told the doctor who smiled as she got up. "Of course!" The doctor told Ava as she left. Once the doctor left the small toddler started to stir as she looked at Ava. "Mama we sa hew?" The small two year old asked Ava making Ava sigh as she hated having to tell this to the innocent little girl.

"Yeah Mal we have to stay here again," Ava told Mal sadly making the toddler cry more as she just wanted to go home. "We nebew weabe!" The small toddler cried out making Ava sigh as she wiped Mal's tears away.

"I know Mal. I'm so sorry," Ava told the toddler feeling sad that Mal had to go through this. Mal just pushed Ava's hands away as she started throwing a tantrum not being able to take it anymore.

"Bu I wan go ow! No mow! No mow! I no wanna be hew! I no wike id! No mow owies! No mow owies! I no wan id no mow!" The small two year old screamed and cried out as she ripped out the wires before Ava even had time to process what was happening as she took off running as fast as she could not wanting anymore poking and treatment.

"MAL!" Ava screamed out in panic as she immediately started running as fast as she could after the toddler who had taken off. Ava needed to find Mal right away as this wasn't just a regular situation. This was serious. The small two year old was a run away cancer patient.  

Hospital DaysWhere stories live. Discover now