Finding Mal

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 Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter and please let me know what you all thought. Also this chapter will be introducing another new character, so I really hope you like it.

"What do you mean!" Evie screamed out after Ava called panicking because Mal had apparently broken out of the cancer center. Evie didn't understand how a literal baby could manage to get past a bunch of hospital staff, but apparently it had happened.

"Okay I'm coming!" Evie quickly told Ava as she hung up the phone and then quickly got up as she knew that area the best as she used to go there everyday for volunteering before she quit to focus more on her brand as they needed the money more than Evie needed the volunteer hours.

"Evie where are you going," Alison asked the young girl who sighed. "Ava lost Mal and I have to help her look for her because I know that area! And because Mal trusts me," Evie told Alison as she quickly opened the door and went running to help Ava find the missing toddler.

While Ava and Evie were quickly searching for the missing toddler, Mal was running as fast as her little legs would let her as she didn't want to go back to the mean and scary place, but she was growing extremely weak and tired as she dizzly ran into the street not seeing the car that happened to be coming.

"Oh my god!" A brunette girl screamed out as she quickly pulled the toddler out of the road just in time, saving the small girl from getting hit. "What is wrong with you!" April screamed out as she looked at the sick toddler that she had just saved.

She had no clue who this kid was, but she didn't understand why this kid was just wandering around by herself and she almost got herself killed. The small girl just started sobbing as she couldn't hold it back anymore as she threw up all over April.

"Oh god! Gross! Why would you do that!" April screamed out in disgust making the toddler start sobbing more as she got dizzy again. April froze when she got a good look at the toddler as she how pale and sick the small girl looked. It was honestly worrying her and she didn't even know who this kid was.

Before April could process what was happening she saw a blue haired girl who came running as fast as she could as she immediately reached for the sick toddler and April recognized her right away.

Evie was too focused on the toddler to notice though. "Mal why did you run!" Evie asked the toddler who started screaming as she tried to run again, but Evie already had her in her grip. "Mal it's okay! Please calm down!" Evie told the toddler who kept sobbing as she didn't want anymore pain and medicine.

"NO! I NO GO BA! NO MOW! NO MOW! NO MOW OWIES! NO MOW!" The small girl cried out at the top of her lungs as she continued to kick and scream until she passed out making Evie sigh as she was about to leave with Mal back to the cancer center, but she was stopped by April who had watched the whole thing in shock.

"Evie?" April asked in shock, making Evie freeze as she saw her dance teacher as no one at dance knew that Evie had found her biological family or that she was living with them and most importantly they didn't know anything about Mal. "Oh um ... hi Miss April," Evie nervously told her teacher, but she began to panic when she saw the throw up on April.

"Oh my gosh! She threw up on you didn't she! I am so sorry! She's been doing that a lot recently. I am so sorry. It's just one of the side effects of chemo. She can't help it. I'll pay double for the next class that should pay for it right!" Evie started rambling out making April look at Evie in shock as she tried to process everything Evie said.

"Wait hold up! Did you say chemo," April asked Evie in shock making Evie sigh. "Oh um yeah. She's actually supposed to be in the hospital right now that's what she was freaking out about," Evie told the shocked dance teacher not wanting to go into too many details as Evie didn't like pity.

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