Another Fever!

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"Wait what! Sh*t!" Ava cried out in panic as she quickly put the back of her hand to Mal's forehead and felt her burning up as well making her panic as she just quickly started throwing Mal's medications back into her bag.

"Okay calm down it's just a fever right!" April quickly told Ava as she was trying to stay calm, but she was secretly freaking out inside as this was the first time since Mal had gotten out of the hospital that she had seen Mal sick like this.

"No it's not! She can't have a fever!" Evie cried out as she also began to panic while Carlos nodded joining in. "Yeah it's dangerous for her," Carlos told April, quickly joining in with his twin making April start to panic as she looked at the time.

"Okay but it's late now what are we supposed to do!" April asked as she began to fill with panic as well as she hadn't experienced any health emergencies before as Mal had been in the hospital already when she had first met her and then Mal had been fine ever since.

Ava just ignored April as she just quickly grabbed her bag and the hospital bag then picked Mal up making April look at her in shock. "Are you taking her to the hospital right now?" April asked Ava as it was late. Ava just nodded.

"Yes, just please stay with Evie and Carlos and make sure they do their homework! Ugh why is she calling me right now! Caitlin this better be important or I'm hanging up right now," Ava told April and then her friend over the phone as she didn't feel like talking right now and she still needed to call the hospital.

"Well hi to you too," Caitlin told her friend sarcastically making Ava sigh as she really wasn't in the mood. "Look I'm not in the mood right now! Is this important yes or no because I have to call Oregon's Children's," Ava told Caitlin, making Caitlin confused as she didn't understand right away.

"Oregon's Children's?" Caitlin asked, making Ava groan as she didn't have time for this. "Mal's hospital!" Ava practically screamed out as she just wanted to get Mal to the hospital, but Caitlin just kept going.

"Oh my gosh is she okay!" Caitlin asked as she began to worry, making Ava sigh. "I don't know she has a fever so I'm taking her to the hospital," Ava told Caitlin as she was about to hang up, but Caitlin quickly stopped her when she remembered why she was calling.

"What about our test tomorrow?" Caitlin asked making Ava freeze as she had been so distracted with Mal and all her medical appointments and treatment that she had completely forgotten about her college work.

"SH*T! SH*T! SH*T!" Ava exclaimed as she started to panic even more. "Ava it's our final!" Caitlin called out making Ava lose it as she was trying to stay calm, but just couldn't do it anymore.

"I KNOW THAT!" Ava screamed out getting distracted that she didn't notice Mal who started sobbing again as she continued to throw up. "Oh god Mal again!" Ava called out once she had finally looked back over and saw that Mal had thrown up again.

"What happened! Is everything okay!" Caitlin asked her friend as she tried to help but it just made it worse as Ava just couldn't take it anymore. "NO NOTHING IS OKAY! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" Ava cried out as she collapsed to the floor and just broke down sobbing as it was too overwhelming.

"Can't do what anymore? Ava you're scaring me!" Caitlin told her friend in concern but Ava just kept sobbing. "EVERYTHING! IT'S TOO MUCH!" Ava sobbed out as she grabbed her flask and just started chugging again.

"Okay Ava breathe it's okay. I'll talk to Alison and some other teachers and explain your situation. I'm sure they would understand," Caitlin told her friend trying to calm her down as she knew Ava was going through a lot.

"No I can't! I have to take those tests!" Ava told Caitlin once she started to calm down again. While Ava was distracted with talking to Caitlin, Evie just quickly picked up the young toddler who was now coughing as she then went to April who was helping Carlos with his homework.

"Take her to Oregon's Children's say you're Ava and if they question you say you're Evie's sister they'll let you in," Evie quickly told April as she just handed the sick toddler to April as she sat down by Carlos and pulled her homework back out.

April just looked at Evie in confusion as she didn't understand what was going on. "Wait what?" April asked, making Evie groan as she didn't want to waste more time.

"Just go! The longer Ava spends on the phone the worst this could get if it's something serious. Just take the hospital bag and Mal and go," Evie told April as she practically pushed her out the door.

"Wait but I don't even know what to do!" April told Evie as she had never had to deal with taking Mal to the hospital before.

"I told you what to do! All you have to do is what I said and they'll do the rest! Oh and mention her fever! They'll admit her right away! I would go with you but someone has to make sure Carlos does his homework right!" Evie quickly told April.

"Hey excuse me!" Carlos called out as he had heard what Evie said, making Evie shrug. "What it's true," Evie told Carlos, making him roll his eyes. "Um okay but are you sure Ava can't just do it?" April asked as she didn't feel comfortable with any of this.

She barely even knew Mal and she didn't know anything about Mal's treatment or hospital care takers. Evie just rolled her eyes as she pointed to Ava who was still on the phone and not paying attention making April sigh as she knew Ava was out.

"Never mind! Does she have like a car seat or..." April began, but Evie cut her off as she threw Ava's keys at her. "Yeah it's in Ava's car. Take her car!" Evie told April who just looked at the keys uneasily.

"I don't feel right stealing," April quickly told Evie, making Evie almost lose it as she started shoving April. "It's not just go!" Evie screamed out, making Carlos join in. "Yeah before more things happen!" Carlos told April who was about to leave when Ava finally finished her phone call as she joined the others again.

"What's going on?" Ava asked April who looked at the keys. "Um Evie wants me to take Mal to the hospital," April told Ava who just nodded. "So you'll do it?" Ava asked April who just looked at her as she didn't know what to say.

"Umm," April began but was cut off when Ava hugged her. "Thank you! But go now!" Ava quickly told April who just nodded still feeling uneasy. "So you want me to take her too?" April asked just wanting a confirmation making Ava nod as she shoved the bags at April.

"YES! JUST GO!" Ava screamed out. "Oh god! That can't be good!" April called out as she grabbed the bags from Ava and Mal started to cough up blood making her quickly grab the keys as she left as fast as she could.

Hey Mal um it's going to be okay," April told the toddler as she tried her best to calm Mal down, but she was freaking out. She had no clue what was wrong, but seeing a toddler cough up blood was terrifying.

"​​Okay Mal let's go now!" April told the toddler as she quickly picked her up once she reached the hospital as she didn't want to waste any time. "NOOOOOO!" Mal cried out as she tried to get away but April just shook her head as she picked up Mal anyway.

"Yes Mal we have to!" April sternly told the toddler, making Mal start crying more as she didn't want April. "I no wike you! I wan mama!" The young toddler cried out making April sigh.

"Mal, your mama is busy! Let's go! I need help! My sister has leukemia and is running a fever!" April quickly called out as she rushed Mal inside the hospital causing the receptionist to nod as she quickly called for the doctors to help. 

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