Feeling Guilty

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     April and Lola immediately stopped what they were doing as they looked at the doctor. "No you're fine please tell us what's wrong with Ava," April told the doctor and Lola nodded. "Yeah doc," Lola playfully told the doctor, trying to lighten the mood a little.

"Lola!" April scolded making Lola roll her eyes. "What?" Lola asked her sister who just sighed as she gave up. "Never mind, just please tell us," April told the doctor who nodded as she looked at her chart.

"Okay well as you know she has alcohol poisoning. Well she's stable and we were able to get most of it out of her system but she's still asleep and as of right now I don't really know for how long," the doctor told the two young adults who slowly nodded as they tried to take in the information.

"MAMA!" Mal cried out again causing Lola to take over this time as she sat down by Mal and pulled the small girl close to her. "Shh it's okay," Lola told her baby sister in her gentle voice trying to calm Mal down again.

"I'm very sorry you can go see her if you would like," The doctor told the two young adults as she left. "Go I got her but we're switching off," April told Lola as she took Mal from her.

Lola just smiled a little as she got up. "Alright I'll be back!" Lola told April as she left the room. Just as Lola was about to enter Ava's room she accidentally ran into three different people who happened to be sitting in the waiting room.

"How is she?" Caitlin asked Lola as soon as she saw her walk past making the young girl stop in her tracks as she looked over at the other girl. "Um who?" Lola asked as she had never seen or heard about these people before.

"I'm assuming you know Ava," Dylan told Lola as he looked over at the girl who looked completely identical to their friend.

"How did you... oh right... yeah she's my sister I didn't know I had. Considering you're asking about Ava I'm assuming you're friends?" Lola rambled out as she was about to question how they knew she would have known Ava when she suddenly remembered that they were identical and it was pretty obvious.

"Yeah we're friends. How is she?" Caitlin told Lola who just sighed. "Over drank herself," Lola told the group who just slowly nodded as they tried to take in the information. "What happened?" Alison asked in concern as she had always had a big soft spot for Ava.

Ava was only 20 and dealing with so much all on her own. She couldn't believe Ava would have done this to herself though and she just wanted to talk with her and hopefully help her out.

Lola just sighed again as she looked at the group. "I don't know. She was upset because Mal needed a feeding tube and she was begging us to stay and we didn't and then next thing I know I'm getting a call from April freaking out about Ava," Lola rambled out again.

"Okay well how is she doing?" Alison asked Lola who shrugged. "Doc said she's stable but she's still out. I'm going to see her. I guess you can come too if you want," Lola told the group as she had been planning to go see her sister alone, but it was obvious these were Ava's friends and honestly they knew her better than Lola did considering she just met Ava despite them being sisters.

Caitlin and Dylan just exchanged looks as they both nodded. "Yeah I'll go," Caitlin told Lola and Dylan nodded as well. "Me too," Dylan told Lola who just looked over at Alison who had yet to say anything.

"What about you?" Lola asked the older girl who just sighed. "Yeah I'm going to go in later. I want to talk to her alone," Alison told Lola who just looked over at Caitlin and Dylan. "Alright well um I guess I'll see ya. Come on her room is this way," Lola told them all as she led Ava's friends to the room she had been given to see Ava.

Lola had to immediately stop herself from running out as she saw her sister who was hooked up to a bunch of machines and still completely unconscious. She didn't know if she could handle this as this was almost harder to watch than seeing Mal at least with Mal she was conscious most of the time.

"Hey sis I um I know you probably can't exactly hear me right now but um it's Lola," Lola nervously told Ava as she tried her best to sound finer when this was actually killing her inside. "Yeah and Caitlin and Dylan are here too," Caitlin told Ava as she also tried her best to stay calm and collected.

"Ava why did you do this to yourself," Dylan asked his friend who was still out of it as he didn't get how things got this bad. "I told you it's my fault I should have stayed," Lola told the two college students who just shook their heads no.

"It's not your fault," Caitlin told Lola who just shook her head. "But it is," Lola told the two as this wouldn't have happened if she had just listened to her clearly struggling sister who needed her. "It's not if anything it's our faults. We knew she had a problem and we let it go," Dylan told Lola who just sighed as she refused to believe that this was anything but her fault.

"Yeah we should have talked to her more but we were just distracted by the whole Mal thing and we let it go," Caitlin told Lola who just sighed again. While the three of them were still blaming themselves they didn't notice that Ava had started to stir a little.

"Yeah but you were just worried about Mal. I just didn't want to hear Mal crying so I dipped and left Ava with her. It was so wrong! And now she's sick and basically in a coma and it's my fault!" Lola cried out again as she began to lose it. "It's not your fault. It's mine," came a very weak voice causing all three of them to freeze as they realized who had just spoken. 

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