Long Lost Twins Reunited Again

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     Carlos quickly ran into the cancer center as he looked around for Evie. It had been a few days since the both of them had taken a DNA test to see if they were twins and he just got the results back.

Carlos was extremely excited as he needed to tell Evie right away. He was supposed to go see his baby sister, but he figured he could see her after seeing Evie as Evie deserved to know the results too.

Carlos smiled when he found Evie who was working. "Hey! I got the results!" Carlos screamed out excitedly as he held the papers up to Evie making her drop the supplies she was holding as she looked at him.

"Dang it I just spilled all the supplies again! Okay I seriously need to rethink this whole volunteer thing," Evie told Carlos as she quickly started cleaning up the supplies she dropped and Carlos just laughed as he helped her.

"Thanks! So you got the results!" Evie told Carlos after they finished cleaning up all the supplies that Evie had dropped when Carlos surprised her. Carlos just smiled as he looked at Evie. "Yeah I did!"

Carlos excitedly told Evie, making her get both nervous and excited as she looked at him. She was excited about the possibility of finally getting the answers she had been wanting ever since she was old enough to talk, but she was nervous that she would be getting her hopes up for nothing. Evie would be devastated if it turned out to just be another dead end.

"What do they say!" Evie asked Carlos making him look at her. "I don't know I wanted to open it together," Carlos told Evie who nodded. "Yeah that's a good idea!" Evie told Carlos who nodded.

"Okay on the count of three we look!" Carlos told Evie nervously, making her nod. "Got it!" Evie told Carlos who nodded. "Okay 1..." Carlos told Evie who nodded. "Two," Evie told Carlos who nodded again as he looked at her.

"3! Open it!" Carlos told Evie who nodded as she opened the results and read them making her smile as she couldn't believe what she was reading. Carlos just watched Evie as he became even more curious about the results.

"What does it say!" Carlos asked Evie, making her laugh as she hugged him tightly. "Okay what are you doing," Carlos asked Evie, making her laugh. "Hugging my brother what do you think I'm doing," Evie playfully told Carlos and laughed as she watched his confused face come to the realization of what she was saying.

"Brother what are you...Wait! We're actually twins!" Carlos screamed out excitedly as he just found out he had another sister. Evie just laughed as she was feeling so excited as well. She had been looking for her birth family for as long as she could remember and she had finally found them.

She was finally reunited with her birth family and she had siblings. Evie had always wanted siblings. It was like a dream come true. Evie just laughed as she hugged onto Carlos tighter as she couldn't help it.

"Yeah we are! It says so right here! This is awesome! I found my birth family!" Evie screamed out as she was having the best day ever. After years and years of searching and failing she had finally done it.

Carlos just laughed as he released himself from Evie's grip. "I know! And I have another sister! I have a twin! This is so cool! It's like a movie!" Carlos told Evie excitedly, making her laugh again as she was just so happy.

Evie stopped laughing though when she remembered something as she started getting sad as she remembered that Carlos wasn't her only sibling.

Ava who she was pretty sure hated her was also her big sister and the saddest of all was the fact that she had a baby sister now. Something she had always wanted, but her baby sister had cancer.

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