Chapter 102 - The Unicorn and the Wasp, Part 3

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Something heavy flew into one of the walls outside with a heavy thud, followed by the crashing sound of dozens of glass dishes falling to the ground and several more shocked cries. 

The Doctor cursed, glancing at the door before returning his attention to the unconscious man on the ground. "I need to get back out there. Donna, try and wake him up. Don't jostle his body at all, but try and get him conscious. Greeves, try and find some blankets - we need to keep him warm," he directed the butler. "And all of you," he instructed the room at large, "do not touch that knife. Right now, it's keeping him from bleeding out. Get him conscious if you can, but do not let him move around, and don't let anyone jostle the knife. Got it?" he asked, rising to his feet and moving to the door. 

"What are you going to do against such a creature?" Agatha asked incredulously as Donna left the door and knelt by Roger. "You're unarmed, and it's dangerous!"

"So am I," the Doctor said grimly, ignoring her disconcerted look and placing his ear next to the door. After listening for a moment - and appearing to hear nothing alarming - he cautiously opened the door and slipped out. A moment later, he returned and opened the door fully. "Coast is clear," he informed them. "Whoever the murderer is, they're back to normal. Won't do anything in front of all these witnesses."

"Doctor!" Lady Eddison called from inside the dining room, sounding greatly distressed. "My jewelry! The Firestone! It's gone! Stolen!" She appeared by his side, throat bare of the famous necklace. "Please, Doctor, you have to -" Her eyes landed on her wounded son and she gasped. "Roger! My child!" she collapsed more than knelt by his side, letting out a heart wrenching sob as she picked up his limp hand. "My son!"

"It's all right, my lady, he's still alive," the Doctor assured her, crouching down and checking Roger's pulse. The rest of the group, attracted by her cries, crowded into the doorway and looked on in horror. The colonel pushed his way through, rolling his chair to be by his wife and son's side. "And it looks like he's coming around," he added as Roger groaned. "I can stitch him up here, give him some basic care, but you'll want to have him taken to the hospital and looked at as soon as possible," he warned. "I can't make any promises, but I can try."

She nodded frantically, clutching her son's hand to her chest. "Anything! Anything! Just please, save my son!" she pleaded. 

"Right." He stood to his feet and hesitated before patting her awkwardly on the shoulder in an attempt at comfort. "Stay strong, Lady Eddison. Your son is healthy, and he's coming around. Those are good signs. Try and keep him awake and calm, if you can." He turned back to the group at the door. "Davenport, go to the kitchen and have them start boiling water," he instructed the worried servant. "Lots of it. I'm also going to need blankets, clean towels, and lots of light. And you lot -" he addressed everyone else, "clear the room! I'm going to need a sterile work environment and none of you are helping."


Lyssa waited in tense silence with the others back in the drawing room as the Doctor worked. The dining room was a mess - apparently the creature had flung the table against the wall in a rage, possibly at being denied its prey - and was currently being cleaned by the shocked staff. No one else had been harmed, but everyone was antsy. They all sat quietly on the couches, tense and withdrawn.

Lyssa and Donna sat off to the side, keeping a close eye on Robina and the reverend. The Doctor had been visibly unhappy about Lyssa leaving after someone had tried to kill her earlier that day, but knowing that she wouldn't be of much help - her hands were shaking too much to risk handling sterilized items - and not wanting to be a distraction, she had promised to stick with Donna and fled the room, hastily washing her hands in water as hot as she could stand. Agatha had remained with the Doctor, quietly offering to help him as Lady Eddison and the colonel were too distraught.

Lost In Time: A Doctor Who FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora