Chapter 124 - Day of the Doctor, Round 1: Finale

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Eleven aimed his sonic at the Moment, activating it with a determined expression. There was a brief pause where nothing happened, and then the button slowly withdrew into the casing, the box closing up over it. And just like that, the Moment was closed.

History had been changed.

Lyssa closed her eyes, shoulders sagging with the release of tension as the ever-present tugging disappeared. Beside her, the Ranger shifted, blowing out a long sigh of relief as the glowing woman across the room leaned back against her box, seeming a little more at ease.

Bad Wolf - Rose? - smiled proudly.

"There's still a billion, billion Daleks up there attacking," the War Doctor pointed out.

"Yeah, there is, there is," Eleven agreed nonchalantly as he turned back around to face the other two.

"But there's something those billion, billion Daleks don't know," Ten said slowly as he paced across the floor and turned to point at Eleven.

"'Cause if they did, they'd probably send for reinforcements," Eleven grinned proudly, pointing right back at him.

"What? What don't they know?" Clara asked, looking between the two of them with wide, hopeful eyes.

Eleven turned to look at her, eyes lit with hope. "This time," he said quietly, "there's three of us."

"Oh. Oh! Oh, yes, that is good!" the War Doctor exclaimed, hands raising to clutch his forehead as he caught on.

Ten's eyebrows rose as realization struck. "Oh, oh, oh!" he burst out. "I'm getting that too! That is brilliant!" He spun in a circle, nearly vibrating with excitement as he jumped up in the air and slapped his TARDIS before turning to sweep Rose up into an ecstatic hug. She shrieked with laughter, flinging her arms around him as he swung her in the air.

Eleven's ecstatic laughter filled the room as he turned to Lyssa. "I've been thinking about it for centuries!" he cried triumphantly, placing his hands on her cheeks and pulling her in for a dizzying kiss. He pulled away only to wrap her up in a tight hug, arms trembling with the strength of his emotion. "After all this time," he murmured, voice close to breaking. "No matter what happens next... I wasn't the one to destroy Gallifrey."

Still a little flushed, she turned slightly in his arms to reach up to cup his cheeks. "You never were," she told him quietly, leaning up slightly on her toes to give him a gentle kiss. "You were its hero all along," she said as she pulled away. "The Doctor, all along."

He gave her a small, grateful smile, leaning his forehead against hers. "Only because you showed me how to be the Doctor again."

"This never would have happened if you hadn't stepped in to help," the War Doctor turned to Rose, drawing their attention. "Bad Wolf Girl, you are amazing!"

She smirked. "Oh, I know. But feel free to keep telling me that, Doctor."

Ten's grip tightened a little around her shoulders. "I will take over all duties of complimenting you," he told her seriously before turning back to the War Doctor. "No one else needed, but thanks for the offer."

"And he's jealous of himself again," the Ranger sighed. "Technically."

"So, what are we doing?" Clara drew their attention back to the situation at hand. "What's the plan?"

"The Dalek fleets are surrounding Gallifrey, firing on it constantly," the War Doctor started, glancing up at the ceiling as if through it he could see the bombardment as they gathered together in a little huddle once more.

"The Sky Trench is holding," Ten said in a low voice. "But what if the whole planet... just disappeared?"

Clara raised an eyebrow. "Tiny bit of an ask."

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