Chapter 27 - The Runaway Bride, Part 2

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Donna glanced at the two of them with a frown when the Doctor snorted. She sighed, moving to join them on the roof, feet dangling over the edge. No doubt noticing the goosebumps appearing on her arms, the Doctor tugged off his coat and draped it over her shoulders, leaving him in just a long-sleeve shirt and tie. 

She managed a wan smile before trying to tug it a little further over herself and wrinkling her nose. "You're too skinny, spaceman," she informed him dryly. "This wouldn't fit a rat."

"Oh, that's nice, thanks. Here, you'd better put this on," he muttered, pulling out a small gold-colored ring from his pocket.

"Oh, do you have to rub it in?" she complained. "And why me and not your friend over there?"

"Those creatures can trace you. It's a bio-damper, should keep you hidden," he explained. She huffed, but held up her hand so he could slip it on her finger. "And not all cultures use rings," he pointed out with a smile, before changing the subject. "With this ring, I thee bio-damp," he teased.

"For better or for worse," she finished, rolling her eyes, though even she couldn't help a small smile. 

Lyssa couldn't help a laugh at that, though it soon fell with realization. "Doctor," she said softly, tugging on his arm to grab his attention. "Would those creatures be able to trace Donna through me? 'Cause, you know..." She grimaced. "The... what makes me jump? Isn't it the same type of energy?"

His eyes darkened, but he shook his head. "Different types of energy. I doubt anyone left alive has the ability to trace you aside from me. Besides, you should still read as human, and I've got a few other means of protection in place as well."

"So many?" she murmured, dropping her head on his arm tiredly. "Dare I ask what they are? And why you'd bother going to all that trouble?"

"It wasn't any trouble at all," he told her firmly, lifting his arm and wrapping it around her shoulder, tugging her closer until she was leaning against him. "You're my best friend, with an alarming propensity for getting yourself into trouble. Of course I'm going to make sure that you're safe. And as for what they are, well..." he drew out the word.

"You'll find that out later. But I promise that I haven't put a tracker on you so that I can see where you are when you inevitably wander off into trouble. Maybe tomorrow," he added teasingly, raising his hands in surrender when she turned her head to glare at him. "Kidding. I promise," he told her with a laugh. "That's a step too close to controlling for me."

"So, now that we've established you're an overprotective sap," Donna interjected, the smile in her voice belying her impatient words, "Can we try and figure out what on earth's going on? I mean, Robot Santas, what are they for?"

The Doctor merely smirked at her accusation and sat up a bit straighter as he thought. "Ah, your basic robo-scavenger. The Father Christmas stuff is just a disguise, I met them last Christmas." He nudged Lyssa's shoulder. "You will too, eventually."

"Why, what happened then?" Donna asked innocently. 

The Doctor tilted his head, raising an eyebrow at her. "Great big spaceship? Hovering over London?" he tried, frowning when she gave no signs of recognition. "You didn't notice?" 

"Had a bit of a hangover," she said dismissively. 

He shook his head in disbelief but let it go. He shifted his attention to the view, pointing his finger in the direction of a familiar set of apartments in the distance. "We spent Christmas Day just over there, the Powell Estates. With this... family. Our friend, she had this family. Well, they were...." He trailed off, eyes distant and sad. "Still... gone now."

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