Chapter 10 - An Icy Resort

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Lyssa flipped on the light in Martha's room, just to be fully certain, and bit her lip when it became clear that wherever the other girl was, it was not in her bedroom. But when had she left? Lyssa had heard her go to bed, and she'd slept so poorly that she almost certainly would have heard her leave. It was like the other girl had just vanished.

Flipping the light off once more with a sigh, she turned back to the sitting room. Already on edge, she felt her heart skip a beat when she saw that the door, which had been locked earlier, was now unlocked - and then closed her eyes, shaking her head at herself. Martha had likely just slipped out, remaining quiet in an effort - that was apparently successful - to not wake Lyssa. Her eyes fell on a paper brochure on the previously empty end table and she picked it up curiously.

It was a list of benefits the resort had to offer; and there, on the very first page, was an ad for their 24-hour cafe that offered drinks all night, including the wine they had been offered earlier, coffee, and hot chocolate. She sighed, realizing that Martha must not have been able to sleep and gone for a drink to help her relax.

"So much for sleeping like a baby," she muttered dryly, dropping the brochure back onto the couch. She made a mental note to tease the other girl about it in the morning, then glanced back at her bedroom. The darkness in the open doorway made her hesitate, reluctant to even enter there, however briefly.

She looked back at the brochure, considering going down and finding Martha, then dismissed the thought. As much as she didn't want to be alone right now, she also didn't really want to have to socialize. Especially seeing as she was still in her pajamas, and had no intention of going back in her bedroom to change until it was light out. She'd brought along an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants to sleep in, and while that was decent enough to wear outside, she wouldn't exactly fit in with the classier air of the resort.

A muffled thump from the room next door made her jump, nerves still on edge, before she relaxed, realizing it came from the Doctor's room. She rolled her eyes, wondering what he was doing - or, rather, what he'd just dropped. Although on the brighter side, that was definite confirmation that he wasn't asleep. And her sleepwear wouldn't stand out with him, considering she'd nearly crashed into the sun wearing her pajamas earlier that day. Not to mention she definitely didn't feel like staying in the room now that she knew Martha was gone.

Quickly scribbling a message for Martha onto the notepad, she smoothed her hair down as best as she could, pulling it into a loose braid to give it some semblance of order. She probably still looked like a mess, but at least the worst of it was under control. She crept out into the hallway and quietly shut the door, not wanting to disturb her neighbors; leaving it unlocked in case Martha forgot her key, and making sure that her own was tucked securely into her pocket.

She hesitantly tapped on the door to the Doctor's suite before wrapping her arms around herself for comfort as she felt a sudden chill. She glanced back down the hallway at her door, wondering if maybe she should just go back and force herself to deal with it. She didn't have a chance to change her mind, however, as the Doctor swung the door open a moment later, fully dressed with sonic screwdriver in hand and glasses on, looking both surprised and concerned to see her there.

"Lyssa! What are you doing up this late? I didn't wake you up, did I?" he asked worriedly.

She shook her head, shifting her weight from one foot to the other nervously. "No. I couldn't sleep, and, um, heard some noises from your room, so I figured you weren't sleeping either, and..." She glanced away, licking dry lips nervously. "I... had a bad dream, and didn't really want to be alone right now," she confessed awkwardly, feeling her cheeks heat with embarrassment.

"Oh! Of course!" he agreed immediately, stepping back from the doorway to let her in, and rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "What about Martha?" he asked as she walked in. "Not that I want you to leave," he added hastily. "You're always welcome! I just thought you might have gone to her first. Or was she sleeping?" he added as an afterthought.

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