Chapter 119 - Who's in a Name?

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A/N: This is part two of a double update, so if you haven't read that yet, make sure you go back and read it, otherwise you'll be missing a lot of important context. Now on with the show!

"If it isn't my favorite time traveler!" Jack exclaimed in delight. "This is great! I've got my favorite song, impressionable children to corrupt, people to annoy, and now you!" There was muffled laughter from other people on his end along with the screech of an excited child who had clearly had too much sugar and was careening around the area making zooming noises.

"Jack? Did I call at a bad time?" she asked in a low voice, keeping her phone on the far side of her head, out of sight of anyone who would look over just in case.

"No, no, this is perfect!" he returned to the call, sounding incredibly smug. "I've got two of you at once and the Doc can't even complain that I'm breaking the laws of time. What's up?"

She grimaced. Jack was clearly having a good time, and she didn't really want to put a damper on his mood with her hopefully groundless worries. "Nothing. Just... calling to pass the time. You're clearly busy, I'll just talk to you later."

"Hey, wait, no," he cut in before she could hang up, sobering abruptly. "Something's wrong, I can hear it in your voice. What's going on, Imp?"

She bit her lip. "Nothing, really. I'm just freaking out over nothing, probably." Her voice caught in her throat at a particularly sharp throb in her chest and she cleared her throat to try and cover it up. "Just... been a long day. I'm fine, really."

"Yeah, no." He sounded unconvinced. "That's the patented 'Lyssa's Bad Excuse' voice. Granted, it's almost only ever used on the Doctor, but I've heard it enough to recognize it. Should I feel special that you're using it on me, now? I feel special."

"Wow, okay, rude. Call for help, get insulted. I see how it is," she snorted, already feeling better just from talking to him.

"Sounds about right," he affirmed cheerfully. "So, what did you need help with?"

She paused. "Ah, should probably check - how far along are you?"

He hummed. "Far enough along that you can totally tell me anything you want. Please. I need gossip, your current self is refusing to tell me anything, and the Doc is being as helpful as ever. Plus I give the best advice ever, I have never once thought I've given bad advice." There was a pause. "Well, except maybe that one time I gave directions to Atlantis. In my defense, 'start swimming' seems pretty clear to me, but I dunno, he seemed pretty offended. But that seems like a problem on his end, not mine, so never mind. I've always given good advice. It's just a matter of if you take it or not."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm suddenly remembering why I was hesitant to call you."

"That's hurtful," he rejoined without hesitation. "So what were you calling for, if not to hear my dulcet tones? Don't give any spoilers away, by the way. I'd love to hear them, but the Doctor is here and he'd totally scold me for cheating." There was muffled laughter in the background along with an indignant comment from a male voice that she couldn't quite make out followed by Jack raising his voice, obviously in response. "Yeah, I'm talking about you, Mr. Buzzkill!" He returned to the phone with a quieter tone. "Okay, sorry, I'm back, just had to deal with the peanut gallery."

She snorted, shaking her head. "I just needed someone to talk to. But honestly, just hearing the Doctor is there with you is helpful enough."

If the Doctor was with Jack - and only a Doctor past the Time War would know of Jack - then he obviously would survive whatever happened today.

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