Chapter 80 - Waiting for the Doctor

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Alternate title: The End of the Multiverse and Other Mundane Matters

Lyssa glanced out of her window at the busy street below, absolutely bored out of her mind. Jack had been kind enough to use his psychic paper to get her a prolonged stay at one of the decent hotels in London - nice enough that she would be safe, and get decent food, but not so upper-class that she would look (and feel) out of place or be easily noticed.

He'd also done something to her phone so that she could reach him in case of an emergency - or if her "partner" showed up - but cautioned her to be wary about using it, as it would obviously be out of place in this time period, and he was typically surrounded by military officers. She'd quickly agreed, not wanting to catch Torchwood's attention with "alien tech" when the Doctor wouldn't even find out about them for another seventy years.

He checked in with her every night, making sure that everything was all right, and to see if she'd heard from the Doctor, but otherwise, she was largely left to her own devices. She'd been delighted to find out that there were still several libraries open - although there were restrictions in place due to several of the librarians having been drafted, as well as the, you know, bombing that was currently going on. Most of the important documents had been taken to the countryside for safekeeping, but she was still able to pass the time there during the day.

She was also getting unhappily used to the sound of the air raid alarms, as well as the quick rush for the shelter the hotel had provided. At night, she drew the black-out curtains tightly before huddling under her blankets, trying to distract herself from everything that was going on outside.

All in all, she'd spent about a week in this hotel waiting for the Doctor to show up, and she was more than ready for him to show up and fix this mess. If it weren't for the fact that she had no idea how the Doctor had 'emailed' the upgrades to the rest of the victims, she would have found Nancy and gotten her to hug Jamie already.

But alas, she was utterly clueless and probably would have just gotten herself infected.

She sighed at the thought, idly scratching the back of her right hand when it itched. She would just have to wait a little bit longer for the Doctor - it had been almost three weeks now since the Chula warship had crashed here with Jack's help, so he should be showing up at any point in the next week.

She hoped.

Her phone buzzed, and she glanced down at it, grateful for the distraction. Any distraction, really. She unlocked it, opening her messages when she saw that James had texted her again.

James: Once you get done doing whatever it is you're doing over there, I'm getting you an elephant for your room.

"An elephant?" she mouthed, furrowing her brow. "Why would - what even -?" She shook her head, staring at the screen and typing out a reply. He had a weird sense of humor, but this was random even for him.

Lyssa: Uh... thanks? I think?

Her screen buzzed almost before she'd even finished sending.

James: Don't mention it.

She shook her head, utterly confused.

Lyssa: Then why -???

She froze, narrowing her eyes at what he'd just sent; something about his words striking a chord in her memory.

Lyssa: Wait.

Lyssa: WAIT.

Lyssa: Did you just -

Lyssa: You did.

Lyssa: I'm not talking to you anymore.

James: I don't know what you're talking about.

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