Chapter 114 - The Family of Blood, Part 1

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"Make your decision, Mr. Smith," 'Matron Redfern' purred into the frozen silence that had fallen over the room, twisting the tip of her gun into Lyssa's chin and eliciting a pained gasp. "We don't yet have the time of a Time Lord, so choose quickly."

"Perhaps if that human heart breaks, the Time Lord will emerge," 'Baines' mused, eyeing Lyssa thoughtfully. "He was fond of the maid as well. She may yet be of use if we take this girl for Sister of Mine."

"If you harm a hair on her head, there will not be a single place on this planet where you can hide from me," John snarled, voice jerky in places as he continued to struggle against his restraints. "I will -"

'Jack' reached out and plucked a single hair from Lyssa's head, grinning when she yelped and glared at him in indignation. "You'll do what, exactly? We're waiting."

"Father of Mine, we are wasting our time," 'Baines' interrupted, sounding bored. "Let us give Sister of Mine a body and then come back for the Doctor. Perhaps with some time to think he will be more willing to change."

'Jack' tilted his head to the side, seemingly mulling it over. "You speak wisely, Son of Mine. Daughter of Mine is waiting. Enjoy yourself here, I will return shortly." He turned around and headed for the door, the two scarecrows holding Lyssa dragging her out with them as John's vehement protests filled the air and the rest of the townsfolk stood frozen.

Lyssa glanced around desperately as they exited the building, breath fogging in the chilly air. Nearly everyone in the town was inside the hall, having gathered for the dance. What few hadn't gone were tucked up safely in their homes, away from the winter cold. Not that she would've wanted them to interfere anyway - humans of this era were no match for the Family of Blood and their advanced weaponry, and any attempts would surely have only ended in a massacre.

"There may be some screaming as Daughter of Mine shreds your soul," 'Jack' told her with feigned regret as she was hauled down the street, trying to no avail to get her arms free. "It's all right, it'll only last a moment or so. This body took a bit longer," he glanced down at himself. "He was a fighter. Perhaps this form will last a bit longer than others. Wife of Mine is already growing weak."

Lyssa glared at him even as she filed the tidbit away. There was some muffled noise from the village hall, followed by a laser blast, and she flinched, silently praying that no one had been hurt. Her hands started to glow and she gasped, mentally cursing her luck as she tried futilely to hide them only for the scarecrows to tighten their grasps. They started to fade a moment later, but it was too late as 'Jack' turned around, eyes narrowing with interest as he approached her.

"You know, this is a brilliant plan," River spoke up from the shadows, and he jerked to a halt. "Truly, I applaud your creativity. There's just one small thing."

'Jack' frowned, lifting his gun and holding it threateningly as he spun around, trying to find her. "You are the woman this body was married to. I recognize your voice. He has no memories of your capabilities as a threat."

"Is that so?" River purred, slinking out of a shadowy corner, seemingly unarmed. "I'll just have to remind you. It's all right, I don't mind."

'Jack' jerked his head and the two scarecrows tightened their grips on a stunned Lyssa, causing her to let out a yelp. "You forget, I hold your friend."

River gave him a dangerous smirk. "And you forget. Your army is made out of straw, and I'm a psychopath. See the connection?"

'Jack' narrowed his eyes. "Wha-"

Lyssa let out a startled shriek as her captors went up in flames, fire hungrily eating up the straw and rough fabric and filling the area with flickering light and a dangerous warmth. She easily broke free of their grip as they stumbled about, weakly trying to put themselves out before crumpling to the ground in a smoldering pile of ruined clothes and stubble.

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