Chapter 123 - Day of the Doctor, Round 1: Part 4

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Lyssa cast one last look at Eleven, who gave her a reassuring smile, before placing her hand on the cube. The world seemed to shrink around her before reappearing with a flash. Gone were the clean lines of Ten's TARDIS. In their place were dirty streets and collapsed buildings beneath a smoke-filled sky as war sirens and blaster bolts filled the air. 

What could only be the Citadel of Gallifrey burned in the distance, and even as she watched a nearby Dalek exploded into flames. Appearing less than a foot away, Eleven threw his arm over her head and blocked a flying piece of debris that bounced off his arm with a force that had to hurt, though he gave no indication of it on his face as he lowered his arm.

Lyssa whispered her thanks, eyes flitting from the destruction to him. He gave her a wan smile, but she could see the tension written into his features as he came face to face with his burning home, a tension mimicked in Ten, more clear than she'd seen since she'd been with Nine fresh from the Time War.

The War Doctor just looked resigned. This was no memory to him.

A battered Dalek spotted them and rolled forward past its exploded counterpart, swiveling its gun menacingly between them. "Exterminate!"

The three Doctors turned as one, all aiming their sonics at the Dalek and activating them with dark expressions. Beams shot out and combined as they struck the Dalek, forcing it back towards a shimmering in the air. It screamed as it flew back and smashed into an invisible wall, the air cracking and rippling around it before falling in shards to the ground. Beyond lay what looked almost like a window into a very modern looking room a few feet above the ground. The Dalek crashed to the ground inside the window and rolled to a stop, voice crackling weakly before cutting out completely as it died.

The three Doctors stepped through the window and into the room. Several shocked looking people gathered on opposite sides of a table stared back at them, as Lyssa and the others scrambled to catch up with them.

"Hello," the War Doctor said nonchalantly, as if all was well and normal.

"I'm the Doctor," Ten said, and it was a promise and a warning all in one.

"Sorry about the Dalek," Eleven added lightly.

"Also the showing off," Clara grumbled as she stepped out, gripping onto the frame for balance.

"I'm pretty sure he doesn't regret that one at all, actually," the Ranger told her, helping Lyssa through before joining them. He looked over at the table and raised his eyebrows. "Ooh, that's not good."

Lyssa followed his gaze and winced when she saw two identical blonde woman standing on opposite sides of a table, along with two Osgoods, and another set of identical scientists. In the background were all sorts of relics and weapons displayed in secure cases, along with large bulletin boards and whiteboards covered in photos and pages. Against one wall was a timer counting down, and it wasn't hard to guess what would happen when it hit zero. The tension filling the room was so thick it could have been cut with a knife.

"Kate Lethbridge-Stewart," Eleven started in a disappointed tone as he strode over to them. "What in the name of sanity are you doing?"

"The countdown can only be halted at my personal command," Kate 1 said grimly. "There's nothing you can do."

"Except make you both agree to halt it," Ten pointed out casually, walking over slowly.

"Not even for three of you," Kate 2 told him, jaw tight.

"You're about to murder millions of people," the War Doctor said quietly.

"To save billions," she bit out. "Tell me, Doctor. How many times have you made that same calculation?"

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