Chapter 74 - A Long Overdue Talk

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This chapter is dedicated to all my faithful readers. I will be forever grateful for your support and encouragement.

The Doctor flinched ever so slightly before immediately forcing himself to relax again. "Talk? About what?" he asked casually. "I'm quite good at talking, I'll have you know. I once saved an entire planet just by my ability to talk for a solid thirty-six hours straight. Bored the invading race to tears. Would you believe that? A warrior species, just breaking down and crying because they were so bored."

But Lyssa had seen the flinch, and bit her lip. Her original plan had involved somehow getting the Doctor to talk about his feelings, and then, just to even out the impossible things done that day, get the Daleks to declare peace with the universe and retire to knit cardigans. But now, as she looked closer at the Doctor, seeing the tension that kept his shoulders rigid and the lines pain and worry had etched on his face, she mentally revised her plan. 

She didn't think she'd be able to get him to talk just by asking him, and it might even make things worse because he'd feel pressured to speak around her, thus unable to even relax. But if she went first, maybe he'd feel more willing to speak? She knew she'd have to talk about what had been bothering her anyway, might as well get it out of the way.

Of course, that meant she'd have to be honest about what she'd been feeling...

The things she did for the Doctor. Never let it be said she didn't do anything for this man. 

A hand waved in front of her face, and she blinked back into focus to see the Doctor studying her with narrowed eyes. "Lyssa? Are you all right? You just kind of zoned out there."

She shook her head, shoving away all the other distracting thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. Got lost in thought. What were you saying?"

He raised an eyebrow skeptically, but didn't call her on it, instead repeating his question. "What did you want to talk about?"

She took a deep breath to fortify herself, butterflies springing to life in her stomach. Licking her lips nervously, she began hesitantly, "As you know, the last few days have been... well, a bit crazy. For all of us, obviously, but I think especially for the two of us."

He snorted. "What gave it away?"

She smiled wryly, hoping to keep her nervousness out of her face. "Anyways, I was just thinking..." She took another deep breath, trying to bolster her courage.

Worry filled the Doctor's eyes, and he sat up straighter, looking at her intently. "Lyssa, is everything all right?"

"Well, that's what I was hoping to talk about," she muttered, crossing her arms over her stomach in discomfort and staring at the water flowing in the riverbed. "I don't know entirely what you went through before I jumped here, but... I know that I'm not in a good place mentally right now, and I was hoping that I could talk it through with you."

The Doctor reached over and took her hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly when she looked up at him. He spoke in a low but earnest voice, the words all the more powerful for their undeniable honesty. "I know that you haven't been there yet, but I promised a long time ago to be there for you when you needed me. I kept that promise then, and I'll keep it again now. Whatever you need me for, I'll be there for you."

Lyssa blinked back unexpected tears, unable to stop a small smile breaking through. "Thank you," she whispered sincerely, squeezing his hand in return. "And I hope you know that I'll do the same for you. I promise. If you need me, I'll be there for you."

The Doctor smiled sadly. "Oh, my fairy-girl. I know. Trust me, I know. You've been there for me in my darkest days."

"And you've been there for mine," Lyssa reminded him, thinking of days filled with blood covered hands and nightmares, and all the while he tirelessly stood by her side.

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