Chapter 45 - Energy Rush

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"I always feel so good after talking to you," Lyssa grumbled, raising a glowing hand to shove some of her hair out of her face. "I don't suppose there's a way to stop my body from consuming all my energy? Or to replace it, or something?"

The voice interface didn't respond, just flickered out of sight. A moment later, she heard a mechanical hiss and glanced over at the console. A small crack had appeared in one of the panels, and it lifted up slightly. A small trickle of bright white light came out the bottom, winding down to the floor and wrapping around her leg. She sucked in a breath, instantly feeling more alert as her energy seemed to rejuvenate.

Sitting up, she watched with wide eyes as the stream of white light wrapped itself further around her leg, disappearing into it. With every second that passed, the gold that seemed to emanate from her slowly began to fade more and more, until the only light came from the console.

"Is this like what happened to Margaret the Slitheen? Or Rose? This isn't going to be another Bad Wolf incident, is it?" she asked warily. The ship hummed in amusement, alleviating some of her fears. "Well, I suppose since you technically did this on purpose, and I'm not actually looking into the heart of the TARDIS, it's probably not gonna happen... right?"

There was another hum of amusement, but no other response. She continued to feel better as time passed, eventually only remaining seated on the floor because of the white light, though her fingers started tapping on her thigh as she began to feel more and more energetic with each passing second.

"This is an IV line, isn't it?" she said aloud after a few minutes of silence, quickly growing antsy. "You said I was basically running out of Time energy, like a human who needed blood, so you're giving me a transfusion. A transfusion that has the power to turn me into one of the most powerful beings in creation if something were to go wrong. Yeah, that's normal. Nothing strange about that at all. Not in my life, at least. Wanna absorb the time vortex, Rose? Nah, we just did that last week. How about save the Earth from total extinction? No, we just did that last night."

She got the distinct impression that the TARDIS was laughing at her, and couldn't help a chuckle of her own. "I know, I know. I'm rambling, and it's all worth it in the end, anyways." She tilted her head at the steady flow of light, thinking for a minute, before poking it curiously. The stream appeared to be unaffected by it, twining around her hand and giving off a warm, ticklish sensation before returning to her leg. She amused herself by playing around with the light for a bit, watching it follow her hands around as she moved them.

It even moved with her when she stood up and experimentally began to move around, mentally rejoicing when her body followed her commands this time. The stream followed her as she began to spin around the console, twirling when she did and filling the room with ribbons of light. She laughed with glee, running around the console several times, running through the light and leaving circles of it everywhere. She even ended up trying out a few dance routines before spinning into someone's chest.

She stumbled back a few steps, then looked up, rubbing her nose, to see the Doctor and Amy watching her curiously. "Oh! You're back! Yay!" She spun away from them, snickering at the shocked look on Amy's face as her gaze followed the streams of light around the room. "Yeah, I got a bit bored. Sorry. I don't think I broke anything, though. Well, not this time."

"Doctor?" Amy whispered, trying to be subtle. "What's going on?"

The Doctor's eyes flitted around the room before stopping on the cracked panel. "I'm not su- Ah. Amy, have you ever seen Lyssa on a sugar high?" The redhead shook her head. "Well, you're about to, I think. No inhibitions, high energy, and mood swings. How brave are you feeling?"

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