Chapter 81 - The Empty Child

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Lyssa huddled miserably against the wall of the alleyway, partially sheltered from the falling rain by a little shelter she had rigged up for herself with some cardboard boxes she had found nearby and some other abandoned junk. It was cold and cramped, but offered a slight protection against the frigid wind, so it was better than nothing.

She shivered, curling a little tighter into herself as a particularly forceful gust forced its way into her shelter, biting through her wet clothes and sending goosebumps along her skin. It was cold, and dark, and she hadn't slept for almost three days, and she was still so, so scared.

"I want my mummy," she whimpered, glancing nervously down both sides of the alleyway before rubbing her hands weakly up and down her arms, a small y-shaped scar visible on the back of her right hand. "I just want my mummy, please."

~~ Three Days Earlier ~~

Lyssa shrieked, slamming her hand down on her bracelet and feeling only slightly relieved when the screen - and the child - disappeared. The charm almost immediately began to flash light blue again, though she didn't know if it was Vina or the child trying to reach her. Her phone was still ringing on the floor, but she ignored it, trying to force her panicking thoughts to focus. 

She hesitantly glanced outside the window, not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing that the child was no longer there. He could have left, or... he could be on his way up to find her. She placed her ear to the door first to see if she could hear anything, then, when she heard nothing, cracked it open ever so slightly.

Still nothing. She pulled it open farther, carefully checking both sides of the doorway before stepping out into the hallway, checking down both corridors for any sign of the child. 

They were empty, and she relaxed, heaving a silent sigh of relief. She had probably just overreacted - she wasn't Nancy, the child must have just picked up on her having two objects with a speaker. She'd probably have to avoid using either of them for the rest of her stay. She relaxed further when her phone stopped ringing. The child must have gone out of range or given up on her. 

She was about to head back into her room and shut the door when she heard it.

The quiet voice of a child as they made their way up the stairs on the left side of the hallway, whispering a little phrase to themselves over and over.

"I want my mummy. Are you there, Mummy?"

The voice was growing closer and closer, and she froze, heart skipping a beat before she managed to snap herself out of it, flinging herself back into her room and slamming her door shut, locking it. The drawer against the nearby wall was large but empty, and she tugged it over in front of the door, barricading it. Given the child's supernatural strength, she doubted it would last for long, but maybe just long enough for her to figure out an escape route.

She snatched her knapsack off the floor, stuffing her things in it and slinging it over her back before tugging on her boots. She glanced at her phone, then reluctantly turned away. No need to give the child another way to find her - or scare the life out of her. 

Now to find an escape route - she could hear the child coming closer, his little sing-song growing louder as he approached her door. 

Option 1: Unbarricade the door and hope he doesn't catch her as she makes a break for it.

Option 2: Fling herself out the window and hope she doesn't break anything by falling two stories. 

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